What Is a Growth Agency and How Does It Aid Various Businesses?

Chart showing growth
Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

In growth marketing, technology, growth hacking, and sales enablement, a growth agency helps different companies achieve their goals. The concept is broader than it seems.

These agencies cover a broader range of services as well as being an integral part of the marketing community by helping companies integrate their marketing and sales efforts, including social media marketing, public relations, and website development.

Growth agencies are responsible, as a part of their employment, for company development, collaborating with marketing departments to develop high-quality leads, ensuring that they are nurtured efficiently, and helping companies to close the deals essential to the long-term, envisioned growth of their business.

Which Growth Agency Should I Choose?

The idea of working with an agency that is totally committed to your success and growth seems awesome. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you search, if you want to hire a digital growth agency.

Select an Industry-Specific Team

Growth agencies have a big job, as we mentioned before. Instead of growing their own companies, they are trying to grow an entire company. There are many things to remember and keep track of.

The right person will know who your customers are, as well as how your business operates. Growth agencies typically concentrate their efforts on just a few industry segments, which allow them to provide the best service. An agency that specializes in growth should have had experience with a company like yours or at least with companies in your field in the past. If you start working together and expanding, this will give you an advantage.

Consider Metrics and Numbers

Numbers should be the primary focus of growth agencies. They should be able to provide you with a list of concrete, specific goals once they have reviewed your company’s current situation. Examples include:

  • In the next six months or a year, how many leads will they strive to get?
  • Which leads are likely to become sales opportunities?
  • What number of potential customers will become customers?

These goals are often referred to as SMART goals by inbound and growth agencies. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. SMART goals are not goals that describe something like “grow your business.”

This is an example of a SMART goal: Generate 25 new qualified leads in the next three months. New leads are the metric that this goal identifies. There is a measurable goal: 25 new leads are supposed to be generated.

Attainability is difficult to define, but suppose your company has generated 13 leads in the last three months, but has recently introduced a landing page and calls-to-action. With the new actions you have taken to boost that number, you might be able to achieve your goal of 25 new leads. Your company’s growth can be affected by this objective, since more new, qualified prospects translate into more deals that can be closed.

The time frame for this goal is specific; we have two months to achieve it. The lack of a deadline makes it difficult to determine if you have improved.

You might want to keep on looking. If you are hearing general statements that sound like, “This year we will help increase your sales,” it might be worth looking elsewhere. An excellent growth agency will have SMART goals that are measurable, practical, and attainable.

Find a Growth Agency with a Proven Strategy

Growth agencies all claim to have the best strategies. It is part of the business. Make sure they are truly the best. Before you select an agency, you should ensure that they have a clear, defined growth strategy.

Secondly, you should confirm that they work. Seek out growth agencies that can provide you with examples like case studies, client references, or testimonials from people within your industry. Make sure they can back up their claims. Another great way to find out if you are dealing with a reputable agency is to ask an employee about the strategies they employ.

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