The Value of a Partner in the Localization Industry

Business Partners
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Thanks to the modern digitization of information, reaching communities around the world has never been more accessible. With a simple click of a computer mouse, information you choose to share can be read and digested instantly from all corners of the world. Companies wishing to take advantage of the ease of global reach should consider partnering with a professional language service provider (LSP) in the localization industry.

Professional LSPs are experts in taking your content, corporate documents, and other materials in your native language and making them legible and understandable in different languages. On the surface, this may sound like a fancy way of describing translation, but LSPs’ work goes far beyond that. LSPs in the localization industry provide incalculable value to their clients and are key reasons why some small to medium-sized businesses are able to grow internationally.

Localization vs Translation

LSPs, being comprised of staff from different parts of the world, are able to provide native-level translations for their clients. But that is not their only function, nor does it achieve the intended results. Translations are utilitarian and lack the nuance of language. Many experience this when they are traveling and plug in a word or phrase in Google Translate only to get a result that is meaningless to the locals in the area.

Localization goes a level deeper. Where translation covers the words, localization translates the meaning. Properly localized content will retain the meaning of the content while using local parlance and verbiage that make the readers feel as if the content was made for them. For anglophones in the UK, you wouldn’t want to see an ad for French fries!

Benefits of Localization

Because they understand the nuances of different languages, the localization industry helps clients avoid making critical mistakes or errors. Take the English sentence “would you like cake?”. When translated into Spanish for Latin American countries, the word “cake” can be translated as “torta”. But in Spain, “torta” can mean a punch in the face. Without proper localization, your international bakery may appear to be serving up more than just pastries!

More seriously, failure to localize content can create irreversible damage to your brand. In English, we often positively compare people or things to animals for emphasis, yet in some cultures, that is critically taboo. Localizing content helps avoid these potential hazards while still delivering the same meaning to readers and helping them feel some resonance with a brand. Language can persuade customers to feel a connection to a brand. For foreign brands entering a market, proper localization will help expedite that relationship.

If you are a small- or medium-sized company with limited resources to hire a full- or part-time staff for international marketing, consider the localization industry as your best option. The value gained from localizing your content will result in long-term benefits for your firm.

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