How to Effectively Learn a New Language for Business

Photo by Artem Bali from Pexels

It is spectacular how the World Wide Web has allowed small business owners and entrepreneurs to connect to the global market and expand their reach. This trend has also necessitated the need for business owners to learn the language their clients speak and understand their culture to communicate with them in a better way. At the same time, technology has also changed the means and methods of education, which means that mastering a new lingua franca is easier than before.

Learn a New Language Online from Tutors and Help Your Business Grow      

Learning a language from an expert on one on one basis is most suitable for those who want to further their business goals. You can access lessons, tutorials, and videos while travelling or during a lunch break in your office through your laptop or smartphone. Furthermore, an expert tutor can customize the language learning process according to your actual needs, i.e., for business communication as opposed day-to-day, generalized conversation.

Three of the Best Tutoring Websites for Learning a New Language

We have listed three of the best tutoring websites here, from where you can find native tutors teaching a wide range of foreign languages such as English, Chinese, Portuguese, French, Korean, Spanish, German and Arabic (to name a few). So, if you really want to master the nuances of your target language in a smart and efficient way, consider getting enrolled in any of these three online tutoring platforms.


iTalki is a premier language learning website which connects learners with a huge number of native language tutors. Some happen to be professional teachers, while others are informal tutors who charge less in comparison to the experts. You can even find a buddy to practice with from the ‘Community’ tab. iTalki lets you take trial lessons from different teachers at really low rates, shortlist those whom you really like and then book exclusive lessons with them. One great perk is the notebook feature which allows you to get your written work in the target language checked by a native expert.


Verbling is an online platform that has top-notch onboard experts. It claims to help you learn just about any language effectively. You can work with different instructors on a trial basis until you find the perfect one for your needs. Verbling’s Video platform is pretty sophisticated. There is a Verbling community as well where you can find learners like yourself to practice your newly learned language skills.


Preply is an online marketplace that connects learners seeking to learn specific languages with suitable tutors. Skype is the medium through which teaching is done. Lessons are to be paid for in advance. If a learner is not satisfied with the first purchased lesson, they can apply for a refund. The rates are pocket-friendly, and you can get help from a native speaker in your learning endeavors.

Learning a new lingo is a skill and being able to properly translate conversations can open up whole new horizons for you and your enterprise. Online language tutoring is flexible, convenient, and the most suitable way to learn when you are really busy growing your business.

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