Podcast – Company of One – Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing in Business

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Interview with Company of One Author Paul Jarvis

Bigger is not always better. Rather than blindly chasing growth, have you thought instead of defining business success on different terms? Rather than mega start-up success, perhaps you should work to make your business better, not bigger. With this change in mindset on business growth, many entrepreneurs are prioritizing a rich life over riches. These new class of business owners are fostering a unique breed of business that starts small and stays small. These entrepreneurs are, in a phrase – A “Company of One.” And this class of micro-businesses requires a unique set of skills and competencies, different than for larger home-based businesses.

To help us become an “Army of One,” Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Paul Jarvis, author of the appropriately named book Company of One – Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business.

Subjects discussed in podcast include:

  • A good fit – traits of successful micro business operations
  • The mindset will help you succeed as an “army of one”
  • Particular leadership and management competencies for a micro entrepreneur
  • Why customers are even more important for a one-person business
  • Brand image – Why is it critical for micro businesses to infuse the owner’s distinct personality into products and company image
  • Repeat customers are life or death for a company of one – Turning customers into “brand advocates”

Episode Sponsor: PrimeTime Network * www.BThe1.com

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Interview Guest:

Paul Jarvis – Author of Company of One











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