World Champion Athlete and International Speaker Shares Entrepreneurial Insights

Joel Merged

Joel Scrivner learned early on as a teen that he could apply the discipline and desire to win that he’d acquired through his martial arts training towards other aspects of his life – at that time it was achieving a passing grade in a Spanish class. Scrivner got the passing grade, but more than that, this experience became the foundation for what would later develop into a game-changing way to approach winning in all aspects of life. He used this approach to help overcome life struggles, and knew it could help in leading others on a path towards personal betterment as well.

Scrivner’s book, WINology – World Class Performance, examines how and why some people achieve great success in their lives, and why some don’t. Using numerous examples from his personal and professional journey to success – and from world-class athletes, politicians, motivational speakers, and other well-renowned successful individuals, WINology is a systematic study of the art and science of winning. Scrivner shares with HBM hurdles he overcame, how to win at life, and key advice for entrepreneurs.

HBM: What was your inspiration for starting a business?

Scrivner: “Throughout the years, I’ve come to realize that I have a unique ability and angle for assisting professionals and organizations to overcome obstacles and accomplish their goals. Very few coaches and consultants have the firsthand experience and expertise to understand the skills and psyche of world-class fighters. Consequently, very few world-class fighters possess the business acumen and articulation to captivatingly convey the secrets of their success in the ring to high-caliber audiences, filled with intelligent, highly driven professionals. Having been blessed with both of the aforementioned, I felt I possessed a “special gift” that could bring a fresh flavor to the world of performance coaching and corporate consulting. Organizations and individuals must become “expert fighters” to arrive and remain at the top in today’s highly competitive marketplace.”

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HBM: What hurdles have you overcome in your path toward success?

Scrivner: “Wow, sometimes I feel like a better question would be “What hurdles haven’t I overcome”? Not to belittle anyone else’s struggle, but being born in the lower middle class, I feel as if I have had to fight to overcome everything along the way. There was no silver spoon for me. And after my family went through a bankruptcy in the 80’s, I had to work to earn everything since I was 14. But I’m not complaining. I’m actually grateful for how it formed me. Fighters live to overcome obstacles and opponents! It’s the thrill and the challenge that drives us. However, in almost every bout there is a potential future rematch that we reserve in the darkest corner of our minds. Of course, in our hearts and minds, we know we are going to win! But for the small chance that we don’t, there is always next time. Nothing could have prepared me for the bout I fought when my 11-month-old daughter, O’Neal, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Devastated, I was up for the fight, and fight we did. But when she passed in her 18th month, there was no rematch, no next time, no do over. It was the fight of my life and it was final. My angel was gone. Overcoming that loss and choosing to fight on is by far the greatest obstacle and opponent I have ever faced.”

HBM: What does a former World Champion martial artist turned corporate performance coach, author, pastor and international speaker know about winning in life?

Scrivner: “When fighting is you favorite hobby growing up, you learn a lot about overcoming adversity. When that much potential pain is involved, winning becomes extremely important! But specifically, I would say one of my specialties is that of turning pain into power and purpose. The skill I learned in all of those bouts is the exact thing I learned in overcoming the loss of my daughter, O’Neal. Different than many other hobbies or sports, fighting on a daily basis, in preparation for rigorous competitions in which you will face the most elite world-class competitors from every country around the world, has a lot of advantages. Primarily, most people quit in life for two reasons: fear of failure or due to the sheer pain life can bring. In order to step into the ring, day in and day out, I had to learn to enjoy the thrill fear brings and appreciate the pain associated with great accomplishment. It’s foreign to many, but those two skill sets are what I have learned to harness and translate into every other part of life. Those two skill sets will set any individual apart from the masses in their pursuit of success and accomplishment. Learning to turn fear into great expectation and pain into power and purpose is the key.”

HBM: How do your many ventures and interests (performance coach, martial artist, pastor, speaker) connect ?

Scrivner: “That’s a great question: One that can only be explained by my journey itself. During my career as a martial arts competitor and coach, I routinely found myself spending a significant amount of time coaching and consulting my students and families in regards to their personal, professional and family lives. These realizations lead me to pursue greater purpose. Taking an enormous leap of faith, I accepted an entry-level position at my church where I would do the exact same job as before, but with a completely new curriculum. Astonishingly, the two jobs were the same, only instead of teaching families to fight a physical fight, I was teaching them to fight internally to become who they desired: mind, body and spirit. Naturally it lead me to spend a tremendous amount of time with accomplished and aspiring business men and women along the way, while giving me a tremendous platform to sharpen my gift for public speaking and inspiring audiences. My life has been an amazing journey of following a childhood hobby and passion that seamlessly lead me into success in the professional and corporate world. Obviously it had its twists and turns. But this journey is what inspires and drives me to help others find their bliss and accomplish all that they have been placed on this earth to do.”

HBM: Do you have any advice for entrepreneurs?

Scrivner: “Absolutely! Dream. And Dream Big! Examine your life’s path. Like mine, look for the connections and engineered path that lies hidden between the lines. As random as it may seem, there are connections to why and what you endured and overcame that will guide and direct you toward your destiny and future. With all that is within you, avoid becoming jaded and skeptical due to the struggles in your journey. I didn’t become world champion by avoiding black eyes and bloody noses. I became world champion by systematically and strategically diving head first into every opponent that came my way. And consequently, I’ve had more concussions than Troy Aikman! But I’ve also enjoyed the status of global accomplishment! It’s the “power of the dream” that keeps pushing you, through the pain, into your power and great purpose. STAY POSITIVE! Never allow life’s setbacks and seeming brutality to steal your innocent perspective and childlike ability to dream and pursue. Dream Big, And Go For It.”

HBM: What goals do you have for your entrepreneurial pursuits?

Scrivner: “What makes me tick is making a big difference. My greatest loves in life are my wife of 20 years, Jennifer, and my two beautiful daughters, Sydney and Blakely. At my house, it’s all about the ladies. My entrepreneurial pursuits are always balanced against the cost and benefit of what I want to accomplish and what really matters in life. I’m a driven and ambitious individual to say the least: Very Driven. However, nothing is worth missing out on the joy of my girl’s accomplishments and the warmth of a love-filled home. I’d love nothing more than to coach, consult and shape the corporate cultures of the “who’s who” of organizations. And I know they would be well served for my involvement: But at what cost? My goal is to maximize the impact and influence of my gifts and abilities, as well as those of my associates at WINology Performance Group, to make the greatest difference in the world, while balancing the great loves of my life. Nothing is worth losing the heart of my ladies and letting down those who mean the most to me. I’m afraid far too many people lose sight of this simple truth, and while gaining the whole world, lose what is most important to their soul. I hope and pray more entrepreneurs learn this lesson and find this harmony of success and true satisfaction.” HBM


To book Joel as a speaker or trainer, enjoy his success blog or purchase his brand new life changing book WINology – World-Class Performance – 9 Steps to Winning in Life, Business, and Relationships go to: or

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