• Experience and education. Simply put, unless one of your family members has a background in marketing and — more specifically — digital marketing, they likely won’t have a real theoretical basis for their methods. Yes, we all know how to “like,” comment, share, tweet, etc., but a real social media expert will have a formal and professional background in their craft.
  • Strategy. While most of your young family members may have seriously impressive strategies when it comes to Clash of Clans, they likely don’t have a clue about how to build and execute a proper social media strategy. A true social media manager will have a formal background in marketing, giving them insight that those without experience or knowledge would be blind to. Strategy is important for setting goals and outlining the actions you’ll take to achieve them.
  • Tools. When you hire a social media strategist, you aren’t simply paying for their time. A good social media manager will have a gang of tools procured through countless hours of research or through larger-than-you’d-bet credit card transactions.
  • Time and attention. When you hire a real social media expert, you gain a new member of your marketing team. Strategists live and breathe social media, but more importantly they love to get their clients results. Just like a chef wants to put out a great tasting meal, a social media strategist wants to have a positive impact on your brand. Their job is to provide you with the support you need to allow you to focus on the things you excel at. A real social media manager gives their time and attention to giving you back your focus.
  • Because you love them. Yes, your young family members look up to you and want to help. Unfortunately, social media management is a lot more work than most assume. It takes wit, writing skills, formal training and education, strategizing, and expensive tools. It takes a lot of time, too. HBM

Jay York is a social media strategist at EMSI Public Relations, an award-winning national agency. You can find EMSI Public Relations on Twitter: @emsiPR .

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