Dating Tips for Home-Based Business Owners

home business dating
home business dating

For home-based business owners, finding time to date presents a unique challenge. As every home-based business owner knows, running a business is seriously time consuming and working at home can make it pretty challenging to turn off work mode. Plus, the lack of a formal office setting with coworkers instantly reduces the chances of connecting with new potential matches. We’ve created a list of tips to make dating just a bit easier for home-based business owners.

Cast away your preconceived notions about what you want your ideal match to look like, or what you want them to do for a living.

1. Carve out time specifically designated for dating.

It’s too easy to keep yourself “on the clock” 24/7 when you’re running a business out of your home. Designating time to actively look for love is important. Rather than scarfing down a salad in front of your laptop at home, head to your local coffee shop and strike up a conversation with a stranger. Or designate an hour each evening devoted to chatting with interesting matches on your favorite dating app. You can also put those entrepreneurial skills to work for you, organizing others who work solo to join you for regular happy hour meetups once a week. Think of engaging questions to ask them before you arrive. Remember, you’re an expert at taking initiative and turning nothing into something.

2. Keep your family and friends in the loop.

You know how they say, “if you tell people you’re on a diet, you’re more likely to stick with it?” If you tell the important people in your life that you are looking for a relationship, you can guarantee that they’ll be checking in and encouraging you (maybe even a little too much!). They may even know a great catch they can set you up with, so don’t be shy about getting the word out.

3. When it comes to online dating, less is more.

Instead of signing up for every dating website and dating app, pick 1 or 2 that best fit your lifestyle. MillionaireMatch is a dating website and mobile app (available on the App Store and Google Play) tailored to meet the needs and interests of successful career-driven singles seeking genuine relationships. They offer high-end customer support, privacy features and a location-based mobile feature that allows you to view two nearby potential matches at once. MillionaireMatch members are like-minded singles who put time and energy into being the best in their field and who are now looking for love to complete the picture, so there’s a synergy there. And niche dating communities are picking up steam lately as certain lifestyle preferences are already in place for you.

4. Keep an open mind.

Don’t write off dating websites or bars as great places to meet your potential match. Cast away your preconceived notions about what you want your ideal match to look like, or what you want them to do for a living. Instead look for qualities that match your own, like hard working, ambitious, entrepreneurial, adventurous, etc. Generally, self-employed home-based business owners are all of those things and more and you deserve a like-minded person who understands and appreciates those qualities in you.

5. Once you’ve found someone great, don’t let your busy work life interfere.

Congratulations! You’ve found someone who you really click with. Now, continue to make them and your relationship a priority in your life by scheduling date nights and phone calls that are free from all work distractions! For home-based business owners this part can actually be the most challenging because up until now, your head has always been in the game, so to speak. Now, the name of the game is balance. And connecting with someone special is an important part of life. They might even serve as your muse and further inspire your creativity and drive to succeed.

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