Editorial Guidelines

Here are the Editorial Guidelines for HOME BUSINESS® Magazine / Online (HBM). We welcome and encourage your editorial submissions to Home Business Magazine/Home Business Online to include video submissions. Home Business Magazine/Home Business Online is the top content portal for home business, and we welcome you into our community. Moreover, we rely on writers to keep Home Business Magazine (HBM) on the cutting-edge of home business. We personally review all submissions! Please read the following editorial guidelines.

Your Permission to Publish

All editorial submissions to HBM are deemed permissible to print in full or in part, in Home Business Magazine / Online, and to include bio information on the writer. Please review the editorial guidelines for further details.

Editorial Guidelines

1. For completed articles, email the article and artwork to: editor@homebusinessmag.com. Include full contact information. Include a short bio for author and an image of the author. In addition, we encourage submissions of video editorial (email a YouTube link).

2. For article concepts/ideas, email the concept, using a bulleted format.

3. Help us to market you! If we do publish your editorial, then please promote it through your social platforms. The “promotional network” of a writer is a key factor in selecting the writer for future publishing consideration.

4. Page Length Word Counts (approximate): Articles are usually either one page (700 words), two pages (1200-1400 words), or three pages (2100–2300 words) in length. Page length word counts refer to just the body of an article, and they exclude word counts for resource boxes and sidebars. Keep videos to less than 10 minutes.

5. Success Stories: Send us your home-based business/work-from-home success story. HBM devotes significant content each issue to success stories and profiles. As a result, these receive high readership from our audience. See further details below on success stories.

6. Editing: HBM requires industry-standard flexibility to delete or add content to make articles fit space requirements as needed. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit submissions for publication due to space constraints, grammatical inaccuracies, poor writing quality, lack of clarity, etc.

7. Indicate any publishing requirements, fees, or restrictions for your editorial queries. Omission of such will indicate you have no parameters. Thus, we will treat your submissions and queries as such.

Work-From-Home Success Stories

HBM publishes large numbers of these stories each year. Success stories are designed to focus on a wide and diverse range of people whom have found success operating businesses and working from home. The best stories are informative, provide specific details, and are inspirational. A key point is that a success story cannot be an advertisement for a business or company (no advertorial content). To be seriously considered by Home Business® Magazine, it must be of value to a reader, whether they have an interest in your product/service or not. Provide the following with a success story submission:

1. Graphics/Images: Send at least one high resolution graphic image (PDF, tiff, Jpeg format). Avoid “portrait-type” photos. Provide “action” photos that show the individual engaged in work or that somehow illustrates the business.

2. 400-Word Success Stories: Paste this into an email and send to editor@homebusinessmag.com. Cover these points (third person narrative. Not question and answer format) to the best of your ability:
a. What inspired you to start your home-based business?
b. What did you do prior to starting the business?
c. Briefly describe your home-based business.
d. How did you start up and finance your business?
e. How do you market your home-based business?
f. Who are your customers?
g. What do you consider your best business achievement?
h. What are the primary advantages of working from home?
i. Where do you see yourself with your home-based business in 3 years?

Writing Style Recommendations

The following are notes on the writing style of articles for HOME BUSINESS ® MAGAZINE (HBM) / Home Business Online:
1. Provide good, quality, “how-to” content.
2. Try to keep paragraphs short, with headings for multiple paragraph(s).
3. Use headlines that catch readers’ eyes as they skim the editorial.
4. Bullets: “Bulletized” content is perfectly acceptable for magazine content.
5. Good grammar is a must! Have someone proof your work before submitting.
6. Editorial is expected to be “camera-ready” to drop into the magazine.
7. Use smooth-flowing syntax, parallel structure, and good sentence structure.
8. Minimize promotions of products, services or other people/figures in the industry. This degrades the perceived value of an editorial piece. Quotes from industry experts on the subject of an article are acceptable. Save any promotions for the resource box inserted at the end of the article.
9. Recommend key phrases/sentences to put in pull quote boxes within the article.
10. Be prepared for a potential need to cut content or to add content. Fast turn-around is needed for final editing. HBM usually handles, however, any last-minute editing in-house.
11. If desired, provide recommendations for a graphical concept for the article. We can then research our stock photo libraries to see if something similar is available.
12. Please provide one high-resolution photo 300 x 300 dpi jpg file (8” x 10” minimum size) of the author, emailed to editor@homebusinessmag.com

Online & Digital Publishing

HOME BUSINESS® Magazine assumes that it has full permission from writers of editorial published in the magazine version to also make this editorial available through various online mediums that are part of the magazine’s internet presence. We assume that we have this permission from our writers unless immediately informed otherwise. Online mediums may include the magazine’s web site, licensing agreements with third-party content providers, digital versions of the magazine, and other online mediums. These online publishing usages will also provide greater exposure for our editorial writers. The publishing world for magazines continues to evolve and change with the internet, and HBM is working hard to keep up with these challenges.

International Versions of HBM

HOME BUSINESS® Magazine assumes that it has full permission from writers of editorial published in the print version to also publish and make available this editorial into any international versions of HBM that might be published, now or in the future.


HOME BUSINESS ® Magazine does not monetarily compensates for editorial assignments it specifically assigns to writers. Submissions selected for publication in HBM/HBM Online receive a short resource box at end of the article, to provide contact information and promote their products and services to our readers and website visitors of HOME BUSINESS ® MAGAZINE.

Final Notes

HOME BUSINESS ® Magazine requires and assumes that all writers of editorial published in HBM have read these Editorial Guidelines and agree with the terms and conditions contained herein.