Linux vs. Windows Hosting: Which Is Best?

Network server

When looking for hosting service for a website, the kind of technologies the website needs dictates the service you choose. Linux hosting and Windows hosting are the most popular kinds of hosting offered by hosting service providers. Generally, Linux hosting is closely related with shared hosting. On the other hand, Windows hosting uses Windows as the operating system for the servers.

You may have many questions regarding these hosting options. For instance, you are probably wondering: do I have to use Windows hosting if my PC runs on Windows? To answer this first, both Linux and Windows hosting can be used with any type of OS. As you read through this text, you will find answers to such questions and hopefully be able to make a final decision on which hosting service matches your needs. The two hosting options are compared using factors important to business, such as hosting service stability, security and pricing.

Differences Between Linux Hosting and Windows Hosting

1. Servers’ Operating System

Considering different OS-specific factors of a hosting service is critical to choosing the best hosting type for your business site. There are three distinguishing elements of Linux and Windows hosting servers’ operating systems: user interface, security and stability, and hardware and software compatibility.

  • Window’s server interface comprises of easy to use menus while a Linux interface has more sophisticated functions and syntax.
  • Linux servers are relatively more stable and secure. Thus, Linux hosting is considered more reliable if you want to run a critical business web application.
  • Windows is a licenced and constantly updated OS. For this reason, Windows hosting is a great option for businesses that operate in complex IT environments populated with many legacy databases and applications running on Windows servers.
  • In-house support is also a crucial consideration when choosing which OS to go for when choosing a hosting service. If your IT team is more familiar with one OS than with the other, opting to use that OS means less training and better in-house support.

2. Use Cases

As already mentioned, shared hosting is often done on Linux servers. Linux hosting is, therefore, the better option for any user who’s looking for hosting services for their personal website, online portfolio, blog, or simple eCommerce site. Windows hosting is usually used in large corporate environments.

3. Dev Tools and Control Panels

Linux uses cPanel for hosting management. This tool allows you to install a variety of software with one click, configure PHP, and create and manage MySQL databases. Whether you need to adjust mailbox size limits or set up new email addresses, cPanel helps all users to get more done in less time.

Windows uses Plesk which offers many benefits offered by cPanel. In addition, it can help you run LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) Windows version. Plesk also supports Git, Docker, and a number of advanced security extensions.

4. Reliability, Security and Technical Support

A great hosting service is keen to ensure that your website is secure. Recent online attacks have revealed that Linux servers are less vulnerable compared to Windows servers. cPanel is able to keep both software packages and web applications up to date, which makes security management of Linux servers more reliable.

Technical support essentially depends on the hosting company you choose to host your site. Discussing your needs with the support representative of the company you are considering helps to ensure that you get the level of support you require.

5. Cost of Hosting

Bearing in mind the fact that Linux servers can run on the same hardware they were configured many years ago, Linux hosting wins from a pricing perspective. You don’t need to frequently upgrade your hosting plan to accommodate new features. However, the cost of using a Linux server can go up if you hire someone else to administer the server. Windows servers require hardware upgrades that drive their usage costs significantly higher over the solution’s lifespan compared to a Linux-based hosting solution.

Windows Hosting Vs Linux Hosting: Which is Better?

Every user’s requirements are unique and that’s why it’s difficult to conclude on which hosting type is better. helps you to identify what your site needs before settling on a particular hosting solution. Finding what you need the first time saves you from later frustrations or having to incur migration costs after finding out that the hosting option you chose doesn’t meet your expectations. As you compare Linux and Windows hosting, take into consideration the hosting server’s operating system, the size of your site, hosting management interface, security and stability, and your budget.

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