Best Web Development Frameworks

Web Developers
Matthew Henry / Burst

In the process of web development, frameworks play a significant role. And since technology keeps changing, the most popular web frameworks keep taking on new dimensions. Most businesspeople are trying hard to stay ahead of the competition by using framework technology.

However, the fact is that the rise in business competition leads to more sophisticated technology required by developers. In the end, the web apps’ standards keep increasing. For this reason, it is vital to use the most popular web frameworks, because they are used by many developers, meaning they are useful.

Note: In website applications, there is a client-side, commonly known as frontend and the server-side, commonly known as backend. We will go through both frontend and backend web frameworks for 2020.

Backend Frameworks

  • Rails

Rails is the most effective framework, especially for beginners. Rails can be described as a model-view-controller whose main users include Shopify, Airbnb, Hulu, and GitHub. With Rails, beginners find it quite easy to navigate through the entire process of web development. An advantage of Rails is the fact that it helps you develop faster without experiencing difficulties.

  • Spring

Spring uses Java throughout its operation. BillGuard, Wix, and TicketMaster are sites that use Spring. One disadvantage of Spring is the fact that it depends on Java programming language, meaning if a developer doesn’t understand Java well, then the entire process will be affected.

  • Django

Django is a backend framework whose base is on Python for the process of web development. Instagram, Google, and YouTube are brands using the Django framework. What distinguished Django from other frameworks is the fact that it has messaging and authentication features. It also has powerful tools that enable developers to create a robust web system.

  • Express

Interestingly, Express has gained more popularity, and it is becoming one of the most preferred framework due to Node.js. IBM, Accenture, Uber, among other brands, use the Express framework in their operations. One good thing about Express is that it can work with other frameworks like Loopback, Kraken, and Sails. Express is fast, flexible, and above all, supports full apps. However, it is quite unfortunate that a beginner will find it challenging to use Express because there are no steps on how to follow the entire process.

  • Laravel

This framework relies on the PHP programming language in its operation. Laravel is not that popular when compared to other frameworks. When compared to other frameworks, the performance rate of Laravel is quite low, making it unsuitable for some projects. But then, the good news is that beginners can comfortably use Laravel with the help of Laracasts, which shows tutorials on how to navigate through the Laravel ecosystem.

Website Developer
Christina Morillo / Pexels

Frontend JavaScript Frameworks

  • Vue

Though Vue has not yet gained more popularity, it is considered as a rising framework because it began like a simple project which later on penetrated in the market swiftly. An advantage of Vue is that it can work on an already existing project without experiencing any difficulties. As much as people fear considering Vue, the fact is that it is a framework that is still finding its way up, and once big brands start investing in it, it will become a trendy framework loved by many.

  • React

Though React is a frontend library, most web developers consider it to be a framework, and that is how they prefer to operate with React. React was developed and maintained by Facebook, and it is among the first web frameworks to implement the component-based architecture, a technology that other frameworks started using. React can operate on both the client-side and the server’s side. Instagram and Facebook use React in their operations.

  • Backbone

Backbone is a framework which depends on the underscore library for its operations. It is mainly associated with creating reliable single-page applications following the MV* pattern alongside MVC design. With Backbone, a developer an easily build a full client-side app because it has a well-planned ecosystem.

  • Angular

The operations of Angular are more similar to Backbone, since both are meant to build secure single-page applications. However, Angular, which was developed by Google, used to operate under JavaScript before advancing to Typescript. PayPal, Google, and Microsoft are some of the brands using Angular.

  • Ember

In the year 2015, Ember was listed as the best JavaScript framework. The trend never changed; the Ember framework keeps advancing and gaining more popularity. Some of the brands using Ember include Netflix, Google, Heroku, and Microsoft. The primary purpose of Ember is to enable developers to maximize production and minimize wasting time with the help of advanced JavaScript strategies.


As a developer, you have a lot of options when it comes to selecting the best framework. Take chances and select different frameworks and give them a try. In the process of trying, you will innovate even better ways of how to approach issues. One thing to remember is that innovations involve trying out new ideas and implementing them into actions.

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