Where Are the Quality, Talented Writers?

Student Writing
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

The road for content marketers is as clear as day. Name any type of marketing and some form of writing is involved. There’s no other way to rank higher with Google, grow organic traffic, and increase revenue aside from having quality content on your blog or website. It’s important to know where to find quality writers.

A college student’s writing is closely related to greater levels of intelligence. A student’s hunger and thirst for more knowledge increases their chances of having a long and lasting career. This is because students who sharpen their writing skills also increase their brainpower and grow in maximizing their human capital ( the greatest human asset).

Therefore, students who pursue courses like psychology, English, human services, sociology, criminal justice, anthropology, arts, history, and philosophy create much more quality content than students taking biology, chemistry, and physical sciences.

How Much College Students Have to Write

Experts have determined that freshmen write around 92 essays or reports during their first year and seniors write 146 reports. One freshman essay is 5-10 pages, and an MBA (Graduate) Student One Report is 20 pages or more. A friend of mine, an MBA student, actually let me read his report that was 20 pages long!

Another lady friend of mine who was an MBA student was required to write a 20-page report with no less than 40-50 credible references.

My last essay in college was 17 pages long, titled “Inside The Mind of A Serial Killer” ( I was an undergraduate taking an accelerated course in psychology). I provided 20 credible sources. Long-form essays are the foundation for white papers, and the average white paper is 10 pages long. All information included in a long-form essay is included in a White Paper, like data, stats, graphs, etc. Most colleges also require essay papers to be double-spaced.

Take a look at the chart below and you can get a better idea of the word count.

Word Count Pages (single-spaced) Pages (double spaced)
1000 Words 2 Pages 4 Pages
1200 Words 2⅖ Pages 4⅘ Pages
1500 Words 3 Pages 6 Pages
2000 Words 4 Pages 8 Pages


College Students Are Well Prepared in These Areas:

1) Tone/Voice Guidelines

2) Examples of Benchmark Content

3) Audience Insights

4) Content Framework

The Great Values Students Learn Before They Leave College

  • Active Voice
  • Narrative Content (Case Studies, The Art of Storytelling)
  • Expository Content (Business, Technical, Scientific Writing, Data, Google Analytics)
  • Descriptive Content (Poetry, Journals, Nature, Fiction)
  • Persuasive Content (Newspaper Articles, Advertisements, Copywriting, Cover Letters)
  • Powerpoint Presentations
  • A.P.A. (American Psychological Association), the foundation of all other writing styles, backlinks, headlines, and SEO.
  • C.M.S. (Chicago Manual Style)
  • A.P. (Associated Press)
  • Harvard
  • M.L.A. (Modern Language Association)
  • C.G.O.S. (Computer Graphics Operating System)
  • C.S.S. (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • A.M.A. (American Medical Association)
  • Oxford

College Students Are Able to Produce:

  1. Unique & Original Content
  2. Dynamic Headlines
  3. Actionable Content
  4. Reasonable Solutions
  5. Credible Sources & Information
  6. Appealing, Curious & Wow Content
  7. Graphics & Social Media Content
  8. Short & Noted Content
  9. Updates to Your Website or Blog

Another type of person who can produce quality content is someone who’s been mentored in creating strategic business plans.

Where and How Have You Been Looking for Quality Content Writers?

There are plenty of B2B professionals on LinkedIn who need quality content creators and fail to thoroughly research a candidate’s background.

We’ve all heard the saying, “There’s gold in them hills.” Why not go and get your gold? Your gold has no business staying buried in the hills!

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