Top Tips for a Successful US Business Meeting

Business meeting

Whether you are meeting to discuss new trade or partnership deals or considering opening a branch of your company in the States, learning how to conduct a successful American business meeting will only be beneficial to you. Brits and Americans may speak the same language but there are many small cultural differences that could help you land the deal you need.

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Preparations for your meeting should begin before you have even got on the plane to travel to the US. To enter the country, you will need an ESTA USA which will allow you to visit for either personal or business reasons. It grants a maximum 90-days entry and also allows multiple entries within a two-year period so if you are flying back and forth you only need the one document.

You should also ensure that you have everything you need for the meeting; including any electrical devices and aides or any paper contracts.

Use the Meeting as a Chance to Network

Get to know everyone in the meeting with you. Exchanging business cards and other contact details is standard procedure. Those you are meeting with may appreciate if you chat a little about personal interests before you get down to the actual topic of the meeting. It could be an excellent way to make a connection which helps your business practices further down the line.

Understand Time Management

Meetings in the USA are often held to a strict time slot which you will need to uphold. Prepare an agenda in advance and, if possible, circulate it to everyone who will be in attendance. This allows those meeting with you to know exactly what needs to be discussed and how much time there will be to discuss it.

Cut the Jokes

Americans and Brits have very different senses of humour and what may be hilarious to one party may not be to the other. Brits tend to have a darker, more self-deprecating sense of humour and it doesn’t translate well to Americans. It is better if you leave the banter and the jokes for your mates when you get home.

Learn How to Talk

You already know how to speak, of course, but you don’t know how to speak to Americans. Learning more about their etiquette, which slang is most appropriate for a boardroom setting and which you can get away with. For example, to be called a grafter is a compliment in the UK as it means you are a hard worker, but in the US, it has connotations of corruption.

Etiquette is also strongly upheld in US business meetings. Do not speak over anyone and allow people to finish what they are saying before you jump in with a suggestion. Likewise, you should always make sure that you are speaking in a non-confrontational and approachable manner. When meeting people, engage in a strong handshake with a smile and eye contact. It is bound to win over any client you are meeting with and is a great way to kick off what is likely to be a productive and successful meeting.

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