Tips from the Top: Successful Entrepreneurs Share Their Resolutions for 2020

Resolutions Concept
Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash

With a new year comes new beginnings, opportunities and ideas for your business. We rounded up advice and resolutions from successful entrepreneurs to gain some insight on how to seek growth in business in the new year, and how to take ventures to the next level in the new decade.

Set Goals For All Areas Of Your Life

“I recommend for everyone to set New Year’s Resolutions for three different areas of your life: business, health and growth. I prefer to call them “goals” because for me, they come from a reflection of the past year, and a plan for how I want to live my life in the new year. This year, my goal is to always go after what I want wholeheartedly.” Cathryn Lavery, BestSelf

Think Ahead, And Plan Accordingly

“Every entrepreneur should resolve to dream bigger in 2020. It might sound cliche, but we’re at the start of a new decade which is really exciting. Think about the next 10 years. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be in 2030? Dream big, and start chasing those goals as soon as possible.” Danh Tran, Buttercloth

Stay Up To Date On News In Your Industry

“My New Year’s Resolution advice for other entrepreneurs in 2020 is to encourage them to anticipate, participate, and stay on top of regulatory moves in your industry. As legislation changes, it’s so important to be aware of what is evolving. Even as a startup, you can contribute to the conversation and join industry groups to make your voice heard.” Sara Schaer, Kango

Save Smart, And Make Your Money Work For You

“As an entrepreneur, resolve to make your money work for you in 2020. The easiest way to start is by choosing a business credit card with strong rewards that compliment your business goals. For example, if you find yourself traveling frequently, choose a card with good travel perks like points towards flights or no foreign transaction fees. Using the perfect card to earn residual rewards or cash back on your necessary, everyday expenses is an easy way to rack up savings throughout the year.” Patrick Beckman, RAVE Reviews

Think Green

“As a founder of a company or as a business leader, 2020 will be the year to make a pledge of sustainability. You can’t not think about the planet. At Tipsy Elves, for example, we believe in making quality products that last as opposed to “fast fashion” but we can always do better. We can all do our part, whether it’s a big leap like moving to using recycled materials or a small step like choosing a more green partner in your supply chain.” Evan Mendelsohn, Tipsy Elves

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