How to Take a PINCH of Success for Yourself

Man thinking
Photo by Chinmay Singh from Pexels

You can buy all the books. You can buy into all the celebrity wantrepreneurs, social media paid ads. You can even follow all those entrepreneurs who basically brainwash you into “buy my course” thinking. If you follow these methods, you will be a millionaire just like them and you can even choose to waste your hard-earned paychecks on seminars. Or, and I strongly recommend this method, you can start to trust yourself and your vision.


Make Sure It’s Your Passion and Jump:

Every day is about making sure your message is received by the world. You will have competition from areas you never even thought about. To stay motivated during all those initial start-up hard months/years, your passion will be your fuel. Remember it takes 10 years to be an overnight success.

Make Sure Your Company Holds an Element of Giving Back:

As an entrepreneur, I believe it’s our social duty to build more ideas that impact on two levels:

1. Your company creates new jobs with loyalty programs.

2. Create businesses that have a positive impact with the element of giving back to the community and/or charity.

Surround Yourself with Positive Energy:

We are a direct product of our environment and team. Their passion becomes yours and yours fuels theirs. Most important factor in success comes from the energy and synergy you allow yourself to be surrounded with. Positive energy will create a greater workflow and a healthier environment will promote growth and loyalty. It’s a special dance I’ve noticed a lot of companies need to incorporate into their mission statements.

Be Absolute in Your Authenticity:

The old saying… real recognizes real. No matter what you do or say, the truth will always rise to the top. Especially in today’s digital era, there is nowhere to escape, so you might as well be honest and truthful from the conception. Social media will not tolerate fake businesses or fake stories, so be authentic in how you tell your brand’s story. Developing your platform honestly from the start will increase your odds of success.

Stop Asking for Permission and Start Doing:

We can be so worried about how others might judge what we do that we never actually do what we want. We spend all that time worried that it becomes a negative value towards success. Remember all success comes from just doing.

Quote To Live By: “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” – Mike Tyson

If you stand in the ring and you over-plan every move you will make, you eventually will end up getting hit. All champions understand success comes from getting in that “ring” and doing what comes naturally. Trust yourself!

Disconnect Once in a While:

One of the biggest mistakes most entrepreneurs make is not taking vacations or grabbing that dinner with friends because they get so caught up in the hustle they forget to breathe. For true success you need to disconnect, a lesson I personally am trying to implement into my routine. A mind that is allowed to breathe free once in a while will come back to the grind harder and stronger.

Stop Doubting Yourself:

The only way you become successful is by using the data you get when things go wrong and improving your brand’s identity and message.

Here’s some advice no one wants to speak on. What it takes to be successful does not come from any business classroom. It can only come from jumping in and trusting the process. It is in fact your greatest teacher and will force you to grow.

Anyone can launch a website, connect it to social media, take some photos and say they are a “business” these days. But the ones who make it, unless they are backed by investors or family, need to be authentic. These days creating just to create gets weeded out quickly. But those who know their mission, understand its core values and gives all of themselves will 100% come across to customers.

Life’s too short not to have fun doing what you love. So create a business that is fun from the top down and create an environment that your employees will have fun in too.

This will show growth in different areas of your business. If you take care of your team, your company will reflect that.

Here’s the biggest kept secret. There is no secret! There’s hard work, discipline and if you are lucky — connections. Otherwise, you must be willing to work 18-hour days like that’s a normal thing and a 7-day work week.

PINCH Extra Tip:

Learn to make a detailed schedule for every minute of every day, including weekends. Because time is the great wealth you can own and give out. Make sure you know where it’s going and how it is being used.

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Originally from Hollywood, Florida, Jason Pinchoff knew from an early age that through his passion for style and dedication to hard work, an ethic developed from watching his father, he was going to make a difference. Jason harnessed the power of his mother's life-affirming approach to adversity and began to change his future. In his 20s, Jason began his career at HQ Creative, an advertising and content marketing-company, where he developed a knack for events, budget management, client relations and multimedia producer and post production supervisor. His career escalated to playing key roles on campaigns for such major brands as iHeartRadio, the Walt Disney Company and The McGraw Hill Corporation. His unique mix of business savvy and street smarts, coupled with his determination to spread the positive outlook that saved him, indicated his next step was that of entrepreneur where he founded A PINCH LIFE a boutique fashion company. A PINCH LIFE's "I Don't Do Ugly" anti-bullying campaign combines his love of design and giving back.