Resume Writing Tips to Get the Dream Job

resume writing
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

A resume is not just a list of all your education, job experience. This is the most valuable document you have to get your dream job. It is your first opportunity you have to present yourself as the right candidate. You will certainly stand out if you have a well-crafted resume. With a weak resume, you might not even be called for the interview, even if you have many years of relevant job experience. This is why it is critical that you create a winning resume that will immediately attract attention.

There are several ways to improve the resume. Here are some tips to land job interviews.

Select a Good Template

You may search the internet for professional resume templates. You can select one that appeals to you. however, a better idea will be to first review some resumes from relevant industries. Is there a particular way people in your trade are writing their resumes? Try to find patterns and follow them because your employer is probably accustomed to this. Yes, you want to stand out. But you don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Too much creativity in the resume itself may actually backfire in some industries.

While selecting a template, don’t just go with Microsoft Office templates. They are only meant to work as a guide. Always expand and customize to suit your needs. Your format should look good. When structuring, ensure that you are presenting the information logically. Remember, hiring managers will always start reading from the top. Highlight your skills.

Highlight Achievements

The resume is not a recap of your career. It should communicate what you have achieved in your professional life. Spend less time describing your job, what you have to do. Describe the results you have achieved.

You can also add a summary. In many resume templates, you will find places for outlining career objectives and goals. This is an outdated approach. Write a carefully worded summary, instead. Most hiring managers are likely to read the summary first, so you must spend time writing this part. You can introduce your skills high up on the page. It will also help the recruiters because they can immediately know whether you qualify for the interview or not.

Get professional resume writing help. An expert resume writer will not just structure it correctly to grab attention, the service will also write an appealing summary and highlight areas that will surely boost your chances.

Make It Robot Friendly

Many employers are not manually screening through resumes these days. They are using software to find the best applicants. Make it in such a way that it meets the requirements of the tracking system.

Include keywords that you find in the job description. For instance, three employers might use different words when looking for a “coder” — software engineer, developer, or programmer. Use the keyword you see in the description. Also, it is best to avoid text-based graphics and tables. Many resume tracking systems cannot pick them up.

Keep It Short, Direct

This is very important. Always make sure that your resume is short. It should be to the point. It should have two pages maximum, unless there is a very good reason to make it longer, like a huge work experience over several decades. One way to keep it trim is by including the most recent, relevant experiences. The first or even the second job could have given you valuable knowledge, but it is not always required that you mention everything from your career. Strike off any experience gained from ten years in the past. It is probably too outdated anyway.

Always write a resume to target a specific job. You will surely be rejected if you send the same generic resume. Prioritize your qualifications and skills for each opening.

Use Bullet Points

You want to make a list of all accomplishments, instead of every duty you have performed. Experts recommend that you must include up to 5 bullets for each job, not more than that.

Many applicants make the mistake of focusing on their tasks. Sometimes, they will also include tasks like making marketing materials. Remember, copy-pasting details mentioned in the job description does not automatically qualify you for the job. You have to mention how you excelled in these activities and made a critical difference.

Emphasize the results. Did your work save time or money? Did it improve an existing process or win a new client for the business? Always include these things in the bullet points. If possible, include a monetary value or the total number of minutes saved in a month for each of your accomplishments. You may not have access to quantifiable results always. However, this shouldn’t stop you from including them. Just mention a likely figure and then explain it during the interview.

The Font Should Be Professional

Remember, employers are busy people. So, you must honor their time. Never use fonts that are impossible to read. Always use clean, basic fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Georgia. The font size should be 10-12 points. That is the industry standard. Don’t try to be too creative here. It will almost always backfire. Also, a readable font in the right size will make it look more professional.

Eliminate unrequired white spaces. Blank spaces will make your resume look sparse. It will help the reader focus on what you have mentioned when you reduce white space. Otherwise, the focus may shift to the white areas.

How to reduce the white areas? Increase the font to 14. You may also add a section like Awards, Achievements, or Skills.

Ensure You Have Latest Contact Information

Sometimes, we change our phone number or email address. There could be a typo when you included it. Check to verify that there is only correct and latest information. You don’t want to miss the interview because you had entered an incorrect phone number.

Omit information like your marital status or date of birth. Also, you don’t have to mention your gender, race, and religion. In the US, employers cannot consider them.

Always proofread before submitting your resume. Check for grammatical errors and typos. You might also want someone else to take a look at it first. Spend time preparing your resume. It matters a great deal.

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