Renting Office Space in Dubai

Photo by Cadeau Maestro from Pexels

What do you think will impress your client? Discounts? Offering extra credit?

No! A client is most impressed by the way you present yourself and your office. An office is your first impression on your client. Having an attractive office with sufficient working space that has a pleasant ambiance encourages work progress. When you are a startup, checkmarking all the checkboxes in terms of amenities might turn out to be difficult. Setting up a business in Dubai can be a daunting task, and finding the right office space is even more challenging.

If you are a resident of Dubai or a foreigner who has planned to launch a business, it is extremely important to have the right office in the right location of Dubai. But the first question that comes to mind is: whether to rent or buy an office?

The answer is real simple. RENT! You might be thinking, “Why?”

Real estate prices are on the rise and it is hard to find a place in Dubai to purchase; it’s best to rent a cheap office. Even though purchasing an office has its own benefits, for new businesses and start-ups, it is difficult to finance a business and office. It is estimated that there are over 2891 branches of foreign companies in the UAE. UK happens to top this list of foreign companies in the UAE, followed by the USA and India.

Here are insights on why renting an office in Dubai is a good choice.

Advantages of Renting an Office in Dubai

  • Strategic location: Dubai is a central location to access the South Asia markets as well those of Asia Pacific, India and China. Having an office there will ensure rapid growth.
  • Good infrastructure: The fact that Dubai provides a good infrastructure in terms of office space, as well as facilities like Internet, communication and other facilities, is beneficial for any firm.
  • Flexible economic system: This region has political stability and encourages foreign businesses to enter the country. It has a very liberal economy and supports business-friendly policies. The fact that it is a dedicated business zone to cater to all business needs is a boon for any foreign business.
  • Laws that support your business: Dubai has relaxed its legal policies when it comes to foreign businesses and entrepreneurs attempting to set up their own businesses.

Improved Employee Productivity

A healthy, ventilated and well-furnished office with basic necessities will be beneficial for both the firm and employees. In fact, when an office is well structured and neat, it creates an environment of pure dedication, professionalism, and elevated work ethic. With that being said, studies show that “it leads to creating a low-stress work environment where the employees are more productive”.

Thus, when browsing through a rental office space listing, it is a good idea to select one that has a number of facilities and is spacious, keeping in mind the seating arrangement of employees and their locomotion. One of the other advantages of renting a good office is the ability to retain employees for a longer period of time.

Benefits of Renting an Office Space

  • Cost-effective: Renting an office in a prime location for a desired period of time is more cost-effective and beneficial than the other alternatives. The fact that you are renting means there is no capital or a long-term investment. This makes it easier to find an optimal location based on the budget and business requirements.
  • A business address creates the right impression: With the option of buying a property removed it is possible for a business to expand its search on rental office space listings to more swanky locations. A firm can select a place that has a distinguished business address, a well-known landmark in a popular location. The new office should have the right set of facilities and businesses close by.
  • Good networking opportunities: Deciding to rent an office has several benefits in terms of networking opportunities. There are most likely other businesses close by to provide necessary support services your firm may require. Good networking can lead to reduced costs and an increase in profitability as well.
  • Access to advanced technologies: Renting office space in a special business zone opens the door to many advanced technologies. The special business zones are well equipped with all the necessary features to satisfy the technical requirements of a business.
  • Location advantage: The options are limitless when scanning through rental office space listings; this includes properties in a good location and those that create a great impression as well. An office at a good location is beneficial to both the potential clients and business partners.
  • Free up money invested in property: Cost of real estate is very high; hence if a business has their funds tied up on expensive real estate, their money is not working for them. On the other hand, by renting an office space it is possible to free up large capital and put it to good use.
  • Professional look: Renting smart office space with many amenities helps generate a more professional look and make a business more successful.
  • Avail all the necessary facilities: Special office buildings developed in a business zone are well equipped with all the advanced technologies. These offices are specially designed to care for any business needs. This makes it easier for a company to build well-defined work areas, meeting rooms, co-working spaces and any other requirements offices usually have.

Factors to Consider Prior to Renting an Office Space

There are factors to consider when selecting an office to rent. Not everyone associates working with an office space. In fact, it is quite common for startups to begin in the strangest places. For example, popular companies like Google, Hewlett-Packard, Maglite, Amazon, Mattel, Microsoft, and Apple all started from a small garage and now have their business address in a professional location.

Here are some of the factors to consider:

  • There is a trend shift towards remote working. Studies show that the number of people working remotely is steadily increasing.
  • Remote working has its advantages. It is beneficial to a company in many ways; it gives access to talent from all around the world.
  • A good office is a necessity for some businesses and requires appropriate facilities.
  • Consider the proximity of competitive businesses and how it may affect your firm.
  • The ambiance is important for many reasons, hence should not be ignored.
  • A good office building will be accessible in many ways. Consider all mobility capabilities. Research whether there is a handicap conference room in the building and ramps for wheelchairs.
  • Always ensure there is ample parking space available when picking an office.
  • Pay attention to the rental cost to check what is included and what is not. There are likely to be additional costs other than the utility bills, cleaning, etc.

There are many benefits of renting an office space in Dubai. However, there are many factors to consider prior to doing so. It is necessary to consider all legal issues involved and facilities required prior to selecting one from the rental office space listings available.

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