Men’s Wardrobe Essentials for Their First Job

Businessman walking

One of the biggest challenges about getting your first job, especially for men, is updating your wardrobe. One day you can wear whatever you want around a college campus, and the next you need to suddenly look nice on a daily basis. On top of this, we often don’t have a ton of money lying around to go out and buy dozens of new items. Luckily, it’s possible to update your wardrobe and look great for work without spending a fortune. Here are some essential pieces that you’ll want to get started with.

Different Types of Shirts

The first thing you should focus on is getting a few different kinds of shirts. To start, get yourself a few long-sleeve button-down shirts. Get them in a few different basic colors, like white, blue, and perhaps a pink. 4 or 5 long-sleeve shirts are enough to start you off.

After that, think about the climate you’re currently living in and the dress code at your job. For example, if it’s currently cold outside, is wearing a nice sweater to work acceptable? If so, grab yourself a few of these, and pair them with your collared shirts underneath. Or, if it’s warmer out and it’s acceptable, get a few short-sleeve shirts. Some nice-collared Polos or Union shirts look great while also being appropriate for many offices. Again, 4 or 5 different shirts are enough for now. Each workplace has their own standards of proper attire and what business casual means, so make sure you know what it is before you do your shopping.

A Suit Jacket

If your new job requires a suit, you’ll need to get yourself a jacket. When shopping for a jacket, choose one that will go with many different shirts and that suits your body type. A standard black, grey, or navy jacket is a good place to start. As you’ll be wearing this jacket most days, make sure you get one that you like and that fits you well. If you’re tight on money, you can settle for just one jacket to start, then grab another or two once you’ve gotten a paycheck. Also, don’t be afraid to get a discounted suit jacket, as long as it’s well made. You don’t need to spend $900 on one jacket when you’re first starting out.

A Few Pairs of Pants

The other major component of your outfit is your pants. Again, this will largely depend on the dress code of your office. If it’s required that you wear a suit, you’ll need to get suit pants. These should match the jacket you’ve gotten and fit you well. Have a tailor adjust them if need be. One or two pairs are enough to start.

If your dress code is a little more relaxed, get yourself some khakis or chinos. You likely won’t be wearing jeans to work, so get some pants that look nice but are still comfortable. Again, stick to your basic colors of black, grey and dark blue. Look for pants that go with the shirts and jacket you’ve gotten to complete the outfit.

Dress Socks

Moving down a little further, we have dress socks. Dress socks are a great way to make your outfit unique without spending a lot of money. By pairing different socks with different outfits, you make everything look different without actually doing much. You can find all sorts of dress socks online, from simple solid-colored ones, to patterned, to even some wacky ones. Keep your office environment in mind, but don’t be afraid to go a little bold with your socks as well.


Finally, you’ll need some nice shoes to complete the outfit. For this you likely only need one pair, especially when you’re first starting off. Get something simple and comfortable that will go with all your outfits. For example, a simple black dress shoe will likely go with whatever you’re wearing. Here are some great dress shoes to get you started.


If you still have some money to spend and you want to spruce your outfit up more, now you can think about your accessories. Grab yourself a few neckties in different colors and patterns. Pick up a nice watch if you can afford it. And finally, if you’ve been meaning to get a new pair of glasses, now is the time to do it.

You Don’t Have to Spend a Lot to Look Great at Work

The key to shopping for your first job you get before launching a business is getting items that can work with a lot of different outfits. Instead of getting a tie that only works with one shirt, get ties and shirts that you can easily mix and match. All you really need is a few shirts, a couple of pairs of pants, maybe a suit jacket, and a nice pair of shoes, and you’re good to go. Hopefully this guide was able to give you some guidance, and you’ll feel confident walking into your first day of work.

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