How Website Content Can Help Your Start-up Home-Based Business

How Website Content Can Help
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By Lisa Montalto

If you’ve just started your own home-based business, one of the first things you absolutely need to do is to up your online presence. To do this you need a quality website and continually updated content that is informative and interesting. This is how people will find you and learn about what you have to offer. Potential consumers prefer sites with information about your product or service, and consistent relevant content keeps them returning.

Website content provides insight into your business and drives traffic to your store. Just having a website alone is not as good as having good content and a steady flow of it because content triggers search engine rankings. The competition is too great to miss out on this opportunity.

Website Content

Discover how website content can help in meeting the criteria sought by search engine algorithms for relevance. The more relevant the content the higher up on the results page you will appear. Ideally, you want to appear on the first page of search results and preferably at the top. The algorithms do not like stagnant sites with out-of-date content and therefore it pushes you further down in the results search. Another way to appeal to search engine algorithms is to add keyword phrases, meta descriptions, and title tags to your content.

The person you hire to write your website content should know how to properly prepare a page to gain an advantage over competitors in search rankings. If you don’t know how to employ keywords, description and title tags, any web designer should be able to advise you. Or, you could spend some time reading SEO websites or a book.

Build Your Brand

Remember to showcase your brand to people in a way that connects with them and warrants further exploration. Your brand showcases how website content can help in fostering loyalty to your company. There is a reason why companies have teams of people focused on content and marketing. It’s the soul of the website. It’s where everyone goes to learn more, and the more you provide the more you are seen as an expert in your field.

One mistake most businesses make is that they attempt to reach as many consumers as
possible, but it’s best to focus on your target audience. It’s hard to appeal to everyone’s tastes, so find your niche and play to your audience. Customers do not typically search for a particular brand, instead, they look for things that meet their own objectives. If you can make your brand relevant to their queries, your site will be boosted in the search results.

Cater to Your Customers

Evidence shows that acquiring a new customer costs much more than maintaining an already current customer. Therefore, it’s beneficial to cater to your existing customers with new and exciting content to keep them coming back for more. How do you do this? With content that provides information about their interests. By offering relevant information aligned with their interests, website content can help engage users and address their needs and preferences. It doesn’t have to always be directly about your product or service. When you show loyalty to your consumers by providing an entertaining and informative website, they will return the loyalty.

Another great way to put out content is by creating and posting videos to your site and on social media such as YouTube, Instagram, X and TikTok. These can be videos using your product or service, reviewing items, narratives, and stories. People love visuals, and the more you can give them, the better. Social media stories are a hot medium to put out content and drive traffic.


While this might sound overwhelming when just starting, there are people out there who can help you write your content. Even though you may have a great business mind, you may not be well-versed in how to write content. One idea is to hire in-house writers but that can get pricey, or you can use freelancers. Ghostwriters are highly skilled freelancers with skills in writing content to make your business shine.

Whether you need website content or scripts for videos, a content writer is a strong ally to have in your corner. A ghostwriter or copywriter is an invisible assistant who works behind the scenes to bring your business to life. They have the skills to take your ideas and write professional content that keeps you at the top of search engine results, which means great visibility. Visibility means sales.

There’s one other thing to bear in mind. Getting a video ranked on YouTube, Instagram, X, and TikTok is also a competitive endeavor. Each has its own algorithm to determine what gets ranked high up, or way down the list. A writer with considerable experience in social media marketing must be familiar with how to give you an advantage over your competitors.

Finding a reputable ghostwriter who specializes in your niche will take some research on the internet. For example, do a search for ghostwriting or copywriting or even screenwriting services and include a keyword phrase related to your business. I am a freelance writer also under contract to Ghostwriters Central, Inc. This page about custom website content development accurately reflects what I’ve discussed in this article.

Follow my advice and you will find the writer who will contribute to making your home business soar!

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