Five Ways to Capture the Audience During Virtual Meetings

Person in virtual meeting

The outbreak of Covid-19 drastically changed the entire business landscape. In 2019, the traditional ways of conducting in-person meetings curbed to prevent the spread of the virus. The working professionals kept the show going on by resorting to virtual meetings. As a result, a dramatic increase in online events and meetings occurred during the pandemic. Virtual platforms made it possible for businesses to operate during lockdowns and stay connected during unprecedentedly uncertain times.

Though virtual meetings are a new normal nowadays, they are a torment for some presenters who are used to face-to-face meetings or are presenting for the first time. In this blog post, we provide a few ways to present flawlessly in virtual meetings. Read on!

1. Prepare for the Meeting Ahead of Time

The noises of a barking dog, a screaming baby, a ringing phone, or a shouting vegetable vendor are quite common when you work from home. However, don’t let these disturbances put you down when you have a virtual meeting.

Here are a few tips to make your setup distraction-free:

  • Choose a quiet and calm space that has enough natural light.
  • Verify that light is not casting dark shadows or falling directly into your laptop camera.
  • Make sure that you are not interrupted by your pets or family members.
  • Ensure that your chosen space is not empty, otherwise your voice echos and reverberates.
  • Check your internet connection beforehand to avoid the last-minute fuss.
  • Charge your laptop and update/download all the required software and files in advance. Close all the irrelevant applications, windows, and tabs and turn off notification sounds and pop-ups on the laptop.
  • Ensure that your webcam, headphone, and mic are working properly.
  • Keep your mobile phone in ‘Silent’ mode.

2. Use Professional Background

That hand-woven tapestry spruces up the wall of your bedroom or living room, but do not have it the backdrop of your screen while presenting virtually. Remember, a cluttered bed with dirty laundry in the background instantly draws the audience’s attention more than your words.

Use a presentable and visually engaging background that is not distracting for the audience. If your apartment/house is not picture-perfect, don’t worry! Use the pre-designed virtual backgrounds offered by some virtual meeting software, like Zoom.

3. Religiously Follow Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Just because you conduct an online meeting from the comfort of your home does not mean you are not required to abide by meeting etiquette. Yes, you must get it right! Virtual meetings also have some etiquette, which is as follows:

  • Begin and wrap up a meeting on time.
  • Be well-groomed and wear formal attire. Avoid wearing striped or patterned clothes and shiny jewelry.
  • Keep your body movements to a minimum.
  • Your gestures and facial expressions have an important role even if you present online. So, pay attention to your body language. Refrain from scrunching your shoulders and resting your arms or hands on the table in front of you.
  • Maintain appropriate eye contact and look straight into the camera to project your passion and confidence.
  • Do not munch on snacks when speaking.
  • Avoid checking your emails and social media during the Q&A session.
  • If you are sharing your screen while presenting, ensure the confidentiality of sensitive data and information.
  • The audience members use earphones to listen to you. So, talk with cadence.

4. Be Your Authentic Self

If you try to mimic any other speaker and consider your presentation as a performance, you will not be able to win the audience’s hearts. The audience always wants to see the real person behind the core message. So, be yourself! Instead of just focusing on the words spoken, focus on the message and the emotions you want to evoke through it. Furthermore, having passion and enthusiasm for the topic spoken about enables your authentic self to come through in your virtual meetings. This also drives the maximum attention from your audience. Always talk with a purpose.

You can also hack authenticity with your gestures and body language. Do not curl up your shoulders and avoid resting your hands on the table placed before you. Instead of looking here and there, look straight into the camera.

5. Make Your Presentation More Interactive

When presenting virtually, there are high chances of people getting distracted quickly and indulging in sending messages on mobile, checking social media, etc. Their focuses drop to zero after 10-15 minutes. Turn them into active participants by:

  • Including quizzes, live polls, and questions in your presentations.
  • Visualizing data through high-definition graphics and visuals.
  • Incorporating short video clips to explain complex concepts.
  • Narrating your story using relevant props.
  • Encouraging them to share their opinions, thoughts, and feedback.

The Bottom Line

Virtual meetings have a bright future and are here to stay, even if the world gets back to normal. By investing some time in learning this skill and practicing it, you ace all your upcoming virtual meetings, webinars, conferences, and events. Additionally, you also build a rapport with your audience.

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