Embrace Spring and Take Action in Your Business and Life

Embrace Spring

April is a good time of year. It means we got through winter and its harshness and we begin to embrace the nicer weather and more daylight, especially here in North America.

In Toronto, where I am based, it is March 17th as I write this and yes, it is St. Patrick’s Day and no I am not drinking green beer, but I have my coffee (my morning coffee) at hand.

We still have snow on the ground here although some of it has melted; winter hasn’t totally given way to spring just yet.

You see, in life or in business, there are seasons. Times throughout the year to plant new seeds, ideas, projects and then time to work the fields. Then it is time to reap the rewards.

The key here is to go with your intuitions and flow. As entrepreneurs we tend to be pushing, and go, go, go! Which is good, believe me, however there is a danger to it too. Sometimes as much as we want to act, go and do, we also need to retreat, go within, think, plan and research! To me this is like our own personal wintertime.

Where we go within more. We stay in because depending on where you live, it may be too cold or snowy to want to venture outside too long. Yes, that networking event can wait until April!

As much as we want to go, get results, be out there, as an entrepreneur you must pay attention to your seasons.

There are 4 seasons as far as being in business go. In fact, our seasons are exactly governed by the seasons nature offers us.

In summer, have you noticed a tendency to be more social, to meet a client or colleague outdoors on a patio over coffee? Have you ever just taken your work and made those client calls outside in your backyard or on your balcony, depending on where you live?

Oh, and let’s not forget about attending a few of those “Golf Tournaments” too with clients. Summertime is a time to schmooze, network, connect, be social, be freer!

Like Nat King Cole once sang, “Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer!” (I am dating myself sharing that song).

We go as the seasons go. Yes, in the summer it is also time for fun, some time off work and to connect with family, friends and business associates more. My advice to you is to coordinate your marketing and business outreach efforts around the seasons.

In the fall, we begin to “get back to it” as it were; similar to how the kids go back to school we go back to work. Our summer mindset changes to getting a bit more task oriented and action oriented in the fall. We may do more client development work, more prospecting calls, more meetings, attend a new networking event, or perhaps take part in a fall fair, trade show or craft show, depending on what we are selling and who are targeted customers are.

We are more task oriented come the fall, we have more structure to our work. In fact, in a business sense it is the “last quarter” and in retail stores, for example, it’s a make it or break it this time of year.

First of all, you’ve got back to school sales, then Halloween, but the real kickers are Black Friday, Cyber Monday and of course Christmastime.

If you’ve ever worked in retail, one cannot rest until January 2nd, when the busyness of the season dwindles down a bit. I feel that is the same for us in our businesses too. This time of year is about putting the pedal to the metal. It is game on!

Yes, true, we might rest come the middle of December as depending on the industry you’re in, sales do tend to slow down with the holiday season approaching.

This time of year is perfect for personal connection with your clients. Reaching out to your clients to wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (Or whatever holiday they are celebrating). The key to December is it truly is a time of good will, parties, social activities and maybe even giving back to the community in whatever way moves you!

I remember delivering food baskets at Christmastime to those less fortunate and one Christmas Eve I went to a homeless shelter from midnight until 3 am, to just be with those that couldn’t sleep and needed an ear.

The key is to plan for the seasons.

To develop your marketing initiatives, do your outreach to your customer base ahead of time. Sending out about 100 Christmas/Holiday cards takes a bit of planning and time; you need to schedule that into your work load!

Hosting a brunch or social event needs thought, planning and investment!

I had one client distribute fresh dinner rolls with a silver plastic butter knife and a little packet of butter in a gift box to her best clients at Christmastime! With it she included a letter that stated her seasonal wishes towards her clients and that a donation had been made in their honour to the “Daily Bread Food Bank” (thus the dinner rolls).

Some clients were so thrilled with receiving this, that they called my client to thank her and urged her to meet with them right away in January to go over the account and their marketing plans for the new year to come!

Winter season can also be a good time to coordinate an annual planning session with your clients too!

Similar to seeing our doctor once a year, you must meet your clients once a year at least to do an annual check-up and planning session, so that you can assist them more proactively in the year to come!

Spring to me is a lot like the fall; we get more into action, the weather is nicer, and we want to put a bit more “oomph” into the work we do. I have witnessed how clients bust it until the end of the school year for their kids. After school ends, they tend to dial it back a bit in their business to spend more time with their kids/family.

Pay attention to the seasons and plan around them, so that in the end you have a consistent marketing plan that is fresh, varied, is governed by the seasonality of life and business. No matter what time of year it is, always be sending a positive message and vibe at all times to your clients.

Here is to a productive, abundant spring!

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David is an author, business coach, and facilitator and the former host/producer and creator of the Small Business Big Ideas Show heard weekly for over 9 years. David has taught thousands over the years in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors and has coached hundreds of start-ups to make those important first steps. He specializes in helping small business owners mine their strengths, get clear on their value, their markets and then begin to develop a sales and marketing game plan that gets results. He also can be booked to do his keynote presentations; “The 8 Keys to Success, How I got to Kiss the Stanley Cup and his new keynote called “A breakthrough-through the glass”- how to overcome the fear that life and business might throw your way. He leads workshops in sales, marketing, market research, business plans, target marketing and customer service programs. David is passionate about helping others live with joy and passion and to lead successful, heart-centered businesses.