Embarking on a New Career Path: A Guide

Young busy happy, smiling business man talking on mobile phone holding briefcase walking down the street outside corporate office isolated on city background

After spending several years in the same job, you might have grown tired of your career and may dream of finding a new, more rewarding vocation. Perhaps you want to start a new career as a personal trainer or work as a virtual assistant. It is possible to change your life and undertake a new challenge.

If you are willing to learn and work hard to secure a different occupation, read the below advice for embarking on a new career path.

Decide If You Need to Change Careers

Before you start looking for a new vocation, you must identify if you genuinely need a career change, as you might not be happy with the company and you may only need to find a new job.

The last thing you will want is to waste your many years of knowledge and experience, so don’t embark on a new occupation until you are 100% confident that it is the right decision for you.

Identify Your Various Strengths and Weaknesses

Of course, you will want to excel in your new career. Before you consider different professions, you should think about your interests and talents first. Make a list of your many strengths and weaknesses, as well as any activities you enjoy doing.

Also, consider what compliments you have received from others throughout the years; for example, if you have been called patient and caring, you could make a great nurse. However, if you have excellent organization and leadership skills, you might excel in a management role.

Make a List of Potential Occupations

Both your experience and knowledge could also help to give you a step up in a new career. For example, if you have worked as a chef in a restaurant, you could embark on a successful career as a food scientist or baker.

Write a list of between five to ten dream occupations, and there is bound to be one career that pops out on the page. You also should compare the vocations against your strengths and weaknesses to ensure the role complements your personality.

Learn More About a Potential Career

The thought might be different from the reality of a career! That’s why you must learn all you can about a profession before you consider quitting your job and starting a different role. To research an occupation, you should:

  • Browse the internet for information
  • Visit your library to read industry books
  • Read job descriptions
  • Find out about educational and licensing requirements
  • Gain an insight into the job opportunities in your area

Learning more about every role on your occupation list could help you to narrow down your search.

Make an Informed Decision

Once you have decided on a potential new career, you must aim to make an informed decision before you embark on a course or attend various job interviews.

For example, it might be helpful to speak to someone who has firsthand knowledge of the profession, so you can learn about the different pros and cons to decide if it is the best option for you.

Ensure you ask different questions regarding:

  • A work/life balance
  • The toughest challenges in the role
  • Most rewarding aspects of the job
  • The soft skills required
  • Career opportunities available
  • Environmental factors

Develop a Career Action Plan

If your heart is set on embarking on a specific career, you will need to develop a plan of action. For example, you will need to establish various goals to work towards and identify how you are going to reach them. For example, you might need to gain a degree, industry experience, and/or extensive knowledge to secure your dream profession.

Train for a Career

While there are some careers that will not require you to gain a qualification, it is possible that you will need to undergo some form of training to improve the likelihood of walking into a new occupation.

For example, if you want to improve education for students, Edith Cowan University can provide a Master of Education degree to help you become a future school leader. Plus, you don’t need to quit your job to study, as you can complete a course in less than 18 months while managing a full-time job.

Polish Your Resume

The next step will be to polish up your resume to reflect your recent education or experience. Think about the many transferable skills you have gained in your past role, which could convince a potential employer that you are the right candidate for a position, so they might want to hire you on the spot!

It might even be helpful to send your resume to a recruitment expert, so ensure you promote your experience and skill set in the best possible light before you submit a job application.

Quit Your Job Gracefully

Resigning from your job will be an important milestone, as you might finally be closing the door on a negative time in your life. If so, you are bound to feel excited to hand in your notice to your employer so that you can undertake a more rewarding position at a flourishing company.

While you might be jumping for joy inside, it is essential you quit your job gracefully. Ensure you thank your employer for the opportunity and politely part ways with your co-workers. Remember, your new employer may contact your previous manager for a reference, and you never know who you will encounter again in your new career.


There is no reason to remain in a job you dislike. While it might not always feel like it, the sky is the limit when it comes to your career. If you are tired of the same boring job and would love to undertake a new challenge, the time might have come to move on from your dull career and work your way towards a more rewarding occupation.

If you are willing to work hard, maintain your focus, and increase your knowledge and skill set, you could eventually be saying goodbye to your current job and hello to your dream role at an exciting company.

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