As I sit down to write this month’s article, we have had several dire situations thrown at us from a global perspective. We started the year with the tragic fires in Australia, then floods in Indonesia, a plane was shot down in Iran, and, if you remember, there was an impeachment trial too amidst all of this. Now, we’re facing the facing the coronavirus showdown.
All of this can be a bit overwhelming and it can lead to lead to fear and us stopping the very thing we need to do. My question for you this month is to ask yourself who you are going to be in the face of it all, because I think these chaotic times call for something more from us. Last month, I wrote about being brave and discussed how we need to be “Courageous Leaders” in life, our businesses, our family and our community. I think the days of just focusing on oneself are gone, as I believe we need to truly be our “brother’s keeper”.
Now, let me temper this statement a bit. This isn’t about controlling and micromanaging those people in our lives, because, ultimately, those we associate and spend time with must manage themselves. However, you can be supportive, you can share ideas, you can be an ear, or offer a word of encouragement to those in your life.
Can you imagine calling a client just to check in and say hello?
Can you imagine giving a free sample of your work to a client just to brighten their day?
I remember coaching a client for free during the SARS crisis in 2004. He didn’t have the money to pay me because business slowed down for him. I had the time and suggested we continue anyway. When the crisis lifted, and his business came back, guess who paid me and sent referrals my way? You guessed it: the client I helped for free a couple of times.
Now really is an opportunity to shine your light and show up a little differently for those you work with. Now is the time to walk in integrity, to be real, to look for collaborative efforts and to team up. It is also a good time to establish new values from which to run your life, health and businesses. Important values like care, integrity, equality and fairness for all come to mind as I write this article.
Now is a good time to also re-evaluate your vision and mission and answer the call to what we are facing globally and locally at times. If you want to work on your mission, answer these three simple questions: 1. What do you do? (We sell organic food) 2. Who do you do it for? (We cater to health-conscious adults who want to ensure they are eating pure, wholesome, chemical free fare) and 3. What is the value that your clients receive from working with you? (Our clients love the fact that they have more energy, enjoy better diets and feel an improvement in their overall health)
Your mission tells those you serve why you exist, whereas your vision statement shares the direction you want to move in and who you want to be in the business world. It answers these three key questions, 1. Who are you? 2. What is your big goal or goals that you want to achieve in the next 5 years? 3. Who do you do it for? (Who do you serve) and 4. What is the outcome you want to see happen?
That said, your vision statement could go something like this; “Within the next five years, the Women’s Centre wants to inspire women who are new to the U.S. from other countries and help them become self-sufficient, socially and economically. We want new immigrants to really begin to make America a place that they love to live in, work in, and raise a family in and embrace their new-found home.”
So, now you can re-create your new mission and vision that both align with your values, goals, and perhaps how you intend to make a positive impact in the world today! Now is also a good time to pivot and adjust your business to meet the challenges of the day.
I will share an example of just that. I met with an electrical engineer/designer client who was exploring other options in the trades. I asked him if this was something he loved or was passionate about. He admitted it wasn’t, but there was great potential for money. When I probed deeper and asked him what he truly loved to do, he told me that he really enjoyed the work he was doing and he wanted to maybe teach and coach other entrepreneurs in the same “electrical contractor” field.
“Perfect!” I shouted with glee.
If my client spent his time focused on the task at hand, doing what he loved and was trained in, and if he put his time and energy into his gift (as opposed to speculating and looking all around at new money-making fixes), in time his business would grow and make money. He’d be doing work he loved and be successful at it.
How we consume energy and electricity will change over the next few years, so maybe countries like Australia (which need to re-build) can bring him in for the much-needed “re-building” work. He loves to teach and coach people in the field he is in as well, and right now there is a shortage of younger skilled trade workers. He can obtain numerous opportunities to share his expertise, know-how, project management skills, and electrical contracting knowledge with younger adults.
He has a gift and a love for the work… he needs to answer the call and position himself as the “go-to electrical engineer and training company”, as opposed to casting too wide a net.
So, now is the time to answer the call… what does the world need from you? What is in demand and will be in demand? What is it that you love to do, that you can do? How can your skills, talents, gifts and your values align with what your business brings to your community, your clients and the world?!
When we focus on and be thankful for the good we have and the talents, passion and expertise we possess, we can face adversity more proactively. So take stock of your assets, know-how, skills and passions and put them to use as best as you can!
We can find opportunity in the chaotic and challenging situations and times, similar to what we are seeing now. Now is the time where we can showcase our ingenuity, talents and gifts. The world is waiting for you to grow, create and be all you can be. Are you ready?