7 Business Lessons We Can All Learn from the Pandemic

Woman Working at Home

By Angela Civitella

The pandemic is a time that most of us would rather soon forget. Jobs were lost. Companies shut down. People became severely ill and died. Like most unfortunate events, one of the best ways to move forward is to try and find some lessons or takeaways from all the bad that took place. It helps heal the wounds and sets us in a new direction.

As it relates specifically to Covid, if you look beneath the surface there are actually some important business (and life) lessons that can help us all begin to heal and move forward.

Here are seven lessons that should stick with us for a very long time.

Remote work works

Prior to the pandemic, the ability to work remotely was a treat. Now we know that it does work, employees are responsible enough to take it seriously and get their work done, and more companies will offer this as an option even as traditional offices start to reopen. Granted, some work does require face-to-face interaction and in-person meetings with clients and colleagues. However, most of our daily work can be accomplished via the remote office.

Work/life balance really does exist

Work/life balance has long been a hot topic and something most of us strive to achieve. The pandemic put our personal lives at the forefront over the last 15 months. It proved that we can still be professional, take our job responsibilities seriously, yet still manage to make time for our personal lives. Anyone who says there is no such thing as a balance is obviously dead wrong. It really comes down to better time management skills.

We are more creative than we realize

Business in America doesn’t just stop because of a pandemic or anything else. The reality is people are more creative and resourceful than they give themselves credit for. It might not always be the most ideal way to get something done, but in tough times, people will always find a way to persevere. Let that be a lesson in every challenge you face. You are strong. You are inventive. You can create winning solutions in the most daunting circumstances.

Mental health matters

Covid was a serious physical illness that impacted one’s health. One thing the pandemic taught us is that just as important is our mental health. Things like stress, anxiety, depression, having to cope in tough times and making time for self-care is extremely important and deserves our attention. Mental health can’t be neglected because it will take a toll on our business and personal lives. If you’re not at your best mentally and emotionally, you will struggle in all that you do.

It’s about trust, communication, and teamwork

When we couldn’t be face-to-face in an office setting with our colleagues, we relied on important skills that often get overlooked like communication, trust and teamwork. These are the building blocks of good business and should never again be forgotten in good times or trying ones. Remember the old adage: it takes a team. Focus on depending on your team for support. At the same time, what can you do to be a better teammate? A good starting place are these core skills.

Lend a hand in business and life

In my own business and in my client’s companies, the one thing I saw through this pandemic was people helping people. Covid made life harder for most of us, yet our coworkers, neighbors, friends and even complete strangers were there to lend a hand. Going forward, we must continue to be kind and do this in business and in life. Life is hard enough on its own. Business is challenging enough as it is. When we help one another, we are all more successful.

Trying new ways

One of the greatest business lessons from the pandemic is that we have to be open to trying new ways. There always comes a time when the old way just won’t work anymore. That was the case with Covid and all of a sudden, we had to be openminded, optimistic and willing to find new ways. Business is constantly evolving, as are human beings. Don’t be afraid to let go of the past and move into the future.

The takeaway

As the world starts to slowly return to normal, we can never forget the struggles of Covid. It’s easy to focus on the doom and gloom of the pandemic, but the better approach is to focus on all the important lessons and how we made it through. The next time you are faced with a trying situation, fall back on all that you’ve learned during this time. The future is bright. What have you learned about yourself or your business that you can use going forward?

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