5 Key Challenges Faced by the Designers

Graphic Designer
Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels

The graphic design industry has been experiencing a bit of a rough patch, particularly during the covid-19 pandemic. To some, the ongoing unpredictability of the industry’s performance can feel terrifying. On the other hand though, there are always opportunities that can be drawn even from adversity.

Most graphic design businesses have solved the pandemic conundrum by enabling their designers to work remotely and implement some catchy software out there. However, the business environment is much more complex than that.

There are some key challenges that are commonly experienced by most graphic designers in the industry. Here are the major complications facing designers from last year and the means of getting around them.

Visual Branding

Visual branding has been tremendously affected by the restrictions on movement, almost entirely blocking graphic designers from going out to take intriguing pictures. People have been either unwilling to step out, or their ability to meet each other has been limited.

To most graphic designers, however, this is a unique chance to challenge and enhance your creative thinking as well as resourcefulness. That’s not the only good news; despite being unable to step out and take personalized images, you can opt to buy them online. This expands your horizon and allows you to learn new ways of doing something.

Project Direction

A particular graphic message that may have resonated with people before the pandemic may not be as effective now. Shaking hands, for example, has been replaced with bumping elbows. Also, who would have thought that wearing masks would become the new normal?

If a particular graphic design incorporates any of the pre-Covid practices and is scheduled to be released, the direction will have to take a new course. Ultimately, this particular situation demands a swift change and re-imagining new types of messages and projects that better resonate with your audience.

Communication Can Be Mangled When Working Remotely

Although communication is still very much possible, the channels involved with remote working can potentially pose a few challenges.

To start with, someone may be caught up with other activities, which can affect the time it takes to reply to a query from a coworker. This would not happen if they were in the same office. This is time-consuming and very frustrating.

This predicament calls for taking advantage of app design software like Adobe XD. Adobe XD is an easy-to-use UX/UI design platform that’s vector-based. Graphic design companies should work with Adobe XD’s knowledge and expertise to give their team the necessary elements to work together and create some of the best experiences.

Managing Workflow Processes Is Becoming Tricky

Thanks to the unexpected impact of the pandemic, managers are now having a hard time managing the workflow processes efficiently, which is made worse by the sudden downturn of operations.

The ultimate solution here is incorporating a lot of automation in your processes. This will help with ironing out any hiccups in your workflow processes.

This can sometimes translate into bringing everyone in your team together in the same task management and project management tools. This also calls for the use of app design software to develop a system that can seamlessly notify each person on what to carry out and time allocation.


The environment plays a major role in allowing imagination to flourish, and inspire projects. This is an important aspect that’s highly essential. While setting out a great work environment for a graphic designer, one should focus on things like distractions, workspace, as well as work away from home.


The graphic design sector has been going through some troublesome water since 2020. However, if you can implement the tips in this article, and transform how your team operates, your company will have a powerful ground to not be severely affected by the present atmosphere.

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