4 Tips for Optimising Productivity While Working from Home

Woman Working from Home

Working from home is one of the new trends in the working world; companies are realizing employees don’t need to physically be in the office to be productive. So, more and more people have been doing their work from the comfort of their own home rather than the office.

However, most people have worked in an office their whole working life and may not be sure how to work from home effectively. We’ve got some tips for people to help ramp up their production whilst working from home.

1 – Get Some Natural Light

Light from lamps and screens isn’t great for your productivity; they can cause eye fatigue as well as a whole host of other issues. So, it’s important that you get some natural light whilst you’re working. If you’re working in the kitchen, make sure you have your kitchen blinds open to let in light and take regular breaks away from the screen to get natural light.

2 – Keep a Schedule

When you go from working in an office to working from home, it can be tempting to roll out of bed 5 minutes before you boot up your computer. But that’s not great for productivity; the human body works best with routine, so make sure to wake up with enough time to have a quick wash and a cup of coffee before you work.

It’s also important to schedule in breaks much like you’d have done working in an office to get away and let your mind relax for a short time. Also make sure you have lunch and finish work at the same time so your body is in the routine. This will keep productivity high during working hours.

3 – Keep Distractions Away

When you’re working in an office, distractions are minimized. Usually the only distraction available would be your phone which is easy to deal with, as it’s just one thing you need to avoid. But when you’re working from home, the amount of distractions available in close reach are high and it can be very easy to be tempted into slacking off.

So, you should find an area away from distractions to be your work zone. You don’t want things like the book you’re reading, your TV or video games in sight. This helps you control distractions. Also make sure your work area is only used for work; this will help you work better whilst working and relax better when you’re in areas meant for your leisure.

4 – Plan Your Day Out When You Start

Usually in an office, planning your day out can be a futile task. Most days you’ll only be working for an hour before someone asks for help with a task or throws some ad-hoc work your way, so you need to be more flexible with time planning. But when you’re working from home, you’re less likely to have this thrown at you.

So, now your workload will likely be defined and not be added to throughout the day. Make sure to plan out your day so you know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. This will keep you productive as you set yourself informal deadlines for when you want your tasks done.

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