Manta Sleep Founder Mark Zhang on Why Business Leaders Should Join the Pro-Nap Movement & More

Mark Zhang

Mark Zhang is the CEO & founder of Manta Sleep, which manufactures the only mask designed, constructed, and optimized for deepest-possible sleep in any environment. Manta Sleep masks provide 100% blackout for maximized sleep quality — so users feel 100%, all the time. Zhang and his company are leading the Pro-Nap Movement, which is all about celebrating daily napping and its many health benefits for workers.

Home Business Magazine had the opportunity to catch up with Zhang and get the inside scoop on his business journey with Manta Sleep. He was happy to share what inspired him to launch his line of sleep masks and why others should get behind the Pro-Nap Movement. He also goes on to share helpful tips for other entrepreneurs who want to launch a product!

HBM: What inspired you to found Manta Sleep masks?

MZ: “I’ve been a light sleeper for as long as I could remember, and I started using a sleep mask when I was 15 years old. The problem with generic sleep masks is that they are either uncomfortable, don’t block out the light, or fall apart after three months. And I always thought we could build a better product, so my business partner and I started Manta Sleep, launching our sleep mask by crowdfunding via Kickstarter and Indiegogo — we ended up raising $700,000+ to start the company!

Another part of the inspiration is… I’ve always felt that as a light sleeper, if somehow I was able to improve the quality of my sleep, I’d be the king of the world. I experienced a lot of frustration from not being able to sleep well and then waking up tired, and then not having enough energy and concentration to pursue my goals in life. So a central focus of Manta Sleep is to empower light sleepers to sleep better so they can do more in life. They will be able to pursue their goals and live a better life.”

Manta Sleep Mask
Manta Sleep Mask

HBM: You and your company are leading the Pro-Nap Movement. Can you tell us about it?

MZ: “Yes! A huge part of our mission is our Pro-Nap Movement, which is all about rejecting counterproductive, nap-shaming corporate BS — we want to create a community that incites empowerment and change in our corporations and communities. It’s about reclaiming what should have always been yours in the first place: your vitality. We believe that great sleep is the non-negotiable foundation you need to create your best life. It’s impossible to unlock your full potential if you’re not getting an afternoon nap every day.

Thus, everything we do at Manta Sleep is fueled by our drive to enable better lives through better sleep and regular naps. We believe that napping at work should be celebrated, not condemned. And we believe naps beat coffee, because our bodies are wired to nap. Naps give you energy, focus, strength and clarity that you don’t get when you grind through the afternoon. That said, daily naps have been baked into Manta Sleep’s culture since day one. We hope other business leaders follow our lead and take daily naps, as it will help them maximize their potential and bring their companies to new levels of success.”

HBM: What did you do prior to founding Manta Sleep?

MZ: “I’ve been building 7- to 8-figure e-commerce businesses in the last 10 years of my life. I decided to pursue entrepreneurship after graduating from college. I was originally working for one of the big four accounting firms (Ernst & Young), but then a close friend passed away from cancer. I realized that if I’ve only got another year to live, there’s no way I’d spend it as an auditor in an accounting firm. So I left and started my own company.”

HBM: What was the biggest challenge you overcame to be where you are today?

MZ: “The first 3-4 years of entrepreneurship were really tough. I wasn’t making any money and I was constantly worried about rent, food, and how I was going to pay the bills. I also felt very insecure, because it seemed like I was just banging my head against the wall with no results, despite multiple tries. Especially compared to my friends in accounting and finance who graduated and were quickly pulling 6-figure salaries. I just didn’t know what I was doing in life and whether I made the right choice to leave and start a business. Pushing through those 3-4 years was the biggest challenge I had to overcome in order to find success later on in the journey.”

HBM: What has been your biggest achievement with Manta Sleep?

MZ: “We’ve positively impacted the lives of 200,000+ people in the short few years that we’ve been around.”

Manta Sleep Masks
Manta Sleep masks provide 100% blackout for maximized sleep quality.

HBM: What tips do you have for others who want to launch their own product line?

MZ: “It really helps to have a clear idea of WHY you want to launch a business. This will help you stay steady and work through the inevitable ups and downs. Most people fail in entrepreneurship, not because of a lack of smarts, money, or ideas. They fail because they don’t persist. In order to persist, it really helps if you’ve got a strong reason behind it. Beyond that, just do it. There is no better way to learn and succeed than by jumping in and actually doing. Finally, focus on making sales for the first three years. That’s all you should worry about. I see a lot of people ‘playing business’, ie: getting an office, business cards, designing a website, etc. These are just distractions — your job as the founder is to work on the difficult problems and get sales. Only worry about the other stuff once you’ve got sales coming in.

Also, I spent so many years early on in my entrepreneurial journey being a ‘keyboard warrior’, just banging it away on the keyboard and trying to figure out everything myself. This was really slow going. My business grew significantly when I decided to just spend the money to go to conferences and meet people and exchange ideas. So I’d say, don’t try to figure it all out by yourself; go out there and meet people, as even a single idea from someone else can change the trajectory of your business (it did for me). It may seem like a lot of money to go to some of these conferences, especially when you’re starting out and don’t have a lot of cash, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run.”

For more information about Manta Sleep masks, visit and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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