Interview with British TV and Radio Personality Meera Sharma

Meera Sharma

Meera Sharma is a British TV and radio personality, author, and motivational speaker who has utilized the pandemic to create the platform, The School of Sass, to encourage women to be self-assured, spirited, and bold! Sharma has spoken on panels, written for the likes of The Independent, appeared on the BBC, and been nominated for awards.

Sharma is currently the host of The Sass Life, airing Monday’s at 11am (PST) on DASH Radio x Rukus Avenue Radio.

Questions & Answers

Question (Q): What Inspired You to Create Your Platform, The School of Sass?

Meera Sharma (MS): I am the go-to person when people need motivation, which actually inspired me to write The Little Book of Sass, which features sassy motivational quotes to perk people up when they need it the most!

On the back of my book, and with the extra time spent at home, during the past year, I thought it was a great opportunity to create The School of Sass. I have always wanted to create a motivational platform and thought I would utilize the free time to finally do just that!

I’m a firm believer in manifestation, positive thinking, and having the right mindset — I’m living proof that if you believe you can AND work hard then you can achieve your goals. The School of Sass is my way of educating and encouraging women to channel their inner sass and live the life they’ve imagined, because sometimes we do need encouragement whether that’s in the form of quotes, articles, or a radio show. These avenues fall under the umbrella of The School of Sass.

Meera Sharma

Q: What Is Being Sassy to You?

MS: To me, sassy is being self-assured, spirited, and bold — bold enough to live the life YOU want to live ― not what society pressures you to do. You know your worth, you know yourself, and you know you can achieve your dreams.

Q: You Have Your Own Radio Show ― Can You Tell Us More About This?

MS: The opportunity arose to partner with DASH Radio x Rukus Avenue Radio to host my own motivational radio show, The Sass Life, airing Monday’s at 11am (PST). DASH has a large reach, and it allows me to reach more people and encourage them to live their best lives. I also love being in LA; however, due to the pandemic I’m unable to travel to the States so being part of a radio station, based in Hollywood, has allowed me to stay connected to my favorite city whilst helping people — win, win really!

The past year has been tough for the world, and my show is a great way to start your week with positive vibes. I speak to notable women who are experts in their fields to find out how they’ve channeled their inner sass to create the lives of their dreams. Sydney Cummings, Maya Vander, Ayesha Perry-Iqbal are just some of the guests who I’ve interviewed ― and I can assure you they give plenty of great advice! I also have a motivational segment where I expand on ways to stay motivated — I’m giving a new meaning to #mondaymotivation as I really want my listeners to feel ready to take on the week!

Q: What Top Tips Would You Give to Readers Who Need Some Motivation?

MS: It’s really important to set goals and have a plan. Setting goals will help you find your focus, measure your success, keep you motivated, and hold you accountable. So, if there is something you want from life, figure out what it is and set a goal to make it happen. Then map out a plan and break it down into smaller achievable chunks ― set aside a time to work on specific things. While doing tasks, limit your distractions — we all know how distracting our mobile phones can be, so either utilize the mute button, and turn off social media notifications. If all else fails, just put your phone in a drawer, in another room, while you tackle the task at hand.

Meera Sharma

It’s also important to have a routine, because if you wake up and know what you want to accomplish, you’re going to get it done. A routine will allow you to turn things into habits, as the more you do things consistently, the more they become second nature.

Reminding yourself of what you’ve already achieved and of your why is important, as we can get so lost in achieving things that we don’t appreciate what we’ve already done!

If you’re feeling demotivated, then taking a step away from what you’re doing helps ― going for a walk and focusing on your breathing will allow you to center yourself. You will then come back to the task at hand feeling refreshed. Walking things out really does help!

Q: What Do You Want Our Readers to Know?

MS: Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things! 

Q: What’s Your Life Mantra or Sassy Saying?

MS: “Rejection is redirection.” If something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t fret — learn from it and find another way.

Q: What’s Next For You?

MS: Currently, I’m training to be a life coach. I really want to expand my platform to include coaching, so I can help more people live their best lives!

Connect with Meera Sharma:


Instagram: Theschoolofsass, meerasharm

Twitter: meerasharm

Facebook: meerasharmaofficial

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