When a Hobby Brings Riches: People Who Made Their Fortune Doing What They Love

Depositphotos 50985967 m 2015
Depositphotos 50985967 m 2015

Many people would like to become a rich person one day. It may even be a dream of yours. However, do you have what it takes to become rich? Yes, you do have all it takes. According to me, being rich only requires one to have dreams and ambitions. If you work hard, you will achieve all you want to be and become a wealthy person in the world.

Do you know some of the richest people only focused on what they loved doing to make money? If you look at the world of the wealthy, many are using their hobbies to make money. For instance, they make a living in photography, landscape design, vlogging, product reviews as well as making money on sites like http://onlineroulettewheel.co.uk/ and other avenues that provide a good income.

Do you have a hobby? In addition, do you think it can make you rich? If so, please make sure it can truly improve your financial status by doing research. The following are some of the people who are reaping big from their hobbies.

People Who Made Their Fortune Doing What They Love

Currently, there are not a surplus job vacancies out there for everyone. Hence, some of the clever job seekers found alternative ways to make money. By using their hobbies, the following people are now running multi-billion dollar companies.

Terry Finley

The horse racing enthusiast decided to transform his hobby into a money-making business. Finley is the founder of West Point Thoroughbreds. West Point Thoroughbreds is a horse racing management company in the US. It also deals with developing horse racing competitions.

Finley was a life insurance vendor when he purchased his first horse. Before that, Terry ventured into the horse business. He was an avid horse-betting lover for many years. Therefore, his love for horses began a long time ago.

He bought his first horse at $5,000. Not long after he had bought the horse named Sunbelt, Terry’s horse won its first racing competition. After Sunbelt won his first race, as a venture capitalist, he bought some ownership rights of the horse.

This enabled Finley to buy a new horse in less than two months. Not long after his business started making huge profits did Finley resign from his insurance job. He fully decided to make West Point Thoroughbreds the best horse management company in the US.

Through advice from entrepreneurs that had similar businesses, he was able to grow his company. Later in 2004, he decided to revamp the West Point Thoroughbred website to enable him to track his metrics.

As of today, Terry’s company is worth six and a half million US dollars.

Megan Duckett

At nineteen, Megan, an Australian citizen, moved to Los Angeles in the US. Her main vision was to work in the entertainment business one day. In her free time, she would work as an event organiser. In addition, when she had nothing to do, she would do sewing. She mostly would make outfits, bed covers and long curtains.

One day, an opportunity came knocking. It was for making inside layers inside ten attractive coffins. Duckett took the job, and since then she decided to focus on sewing, as it was a talent unique she possessed that set her apart from other people.

Years later, Megan was reaping big from her sewing hobby, sometimes even making more money than she did at her event organising job. After this realisation, she decided to leave her job and concentrate on sewing. She rented a warehouse and employed three people who helped her.

In the first year of the business, she was able to make a revenue of $80,000. The name of her business was “Sew What?” Megan started sewing items such as bags that had her company’s logo. Currently, her company is recognised when it comes to sewing in the United States of America.

Some years back, Megan opened a new business known as “Rent What?” that offered people to rent long curtains rather than buying them. Now, both her businesses are generating $6.2 million in production sales.

Craig Jenkins Sutton

Craig’s hobby is gardening. However, did he know he could make money with his hobby? We bet ‘no’. Craig started Topiarius in 2003, which is a landscape designing and maintenance company. It is based in Chicago.

The main service Topiarius offers to their clients is an appealing landscape according to a customer’s necessities. Through its expert workers, it has been able to provide the best services to their customers. Topiarius works with both commercial and residential customers.

Before many customers preferred Craig’s company, he went door to door leaving posters of what his company did. Within a week, he received calls from around forty customers. By doing this, he was able to double the company’s income, as many customers have requested his landscape designing services since.

Presently, Craig’s revenue is over a million US dollars in the last financial year.


We know that different people have different hobbies. Nevertheless, do you know how to make them useful in improving your living status? Many of you may think that starting a business from what you like doing is easy.

If you want to reap big from your hobby, do research and look through the financial and legal requirements for your business. If you have a unique hobby, make sure to use it to make money and start your own company.

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