GreenSert: Making It Easy to Go Green While Drinking Your Favorite Beverages

Have you heard about the new thing in Eco-Friendly?

It all started with the business travel from coast to coast in early February. Every time there was a stop at the airport or other public places paper cups were clearly seen scattered everywhere. They were either laying on the floor or laying next to the full trash can one after another. Next, the questions came up, “Why don’t people care about the environment!? Most people don’t realize that paper cups take a very long time to decompose… If it’s paper, it should be gone a long time ago, right?” Right. But “paper cups” aren’t just paper. So what’s wrong, and how do we fix it? Well, the founders of Tech New Logica took on this challenge head-on, and here’s how it all went down…

First, in-depth research regarding the impact of paper cups on the environment needed to be done. Surprising was the fact that 58 billion paper cups are thrown away without recycling every year. Why? It is simply because the cost of recycling exceeds the cost of manufacturing. Additionally, 20 million trees are cut down and 12 billion gallons of water are used during the manufacturing process every year. What’s the saddest part about all this? Well, it’s all for a cup that you can only use ONE TIME.

What are some of the other issues?

As it turns out, for waterproofing, the paper cup is coated with polyethylene. Additional research revealed that plastics we use every day leach hormone-like chemicals, which are considered to be carcinogens and hazardous to our health. Polyethylene was not an exclusion. Basically, every time we drink something from the cup, we are putting these chemicals into our digestive system.

What happened next?

Just in the nick of time, Tech New Logica came up with the idea to have a non-toxic, plastic-free, 100% recyclable and hygienic container. In order to be hygienic, it had to be made of a high quality food grade silicone rubber with no open pores to harbor bacteria. Tech New Logica named the cup GreenSert (green+insert), and it would be the first cup of its kind, convenient and eco-friendly at the same time. A few weeks later they shared this idea with another Ph.D., who then joined the group to make GreenSert a reality. He was able to engineer the idea to perfection and bring these products to life.

Check out the final design!

The design allowed the cup to be simultaneously completely safe, eco-friendly, compact, and lightweight so it can easily fit in your pocket. GreenSert can be used with any holder, such as a cup, a glass, or with its companion product, RecyClad. RecyClad is made of recycled paper, so it’s 100% recyclable and compostable. What makes the design of RecyClad unique is that it has eliminated the need for bonding adhesive, which brings the impact on the environment to a minimum level.

After the design, it was the prototyping time. Tech New Logica bought a DIY 3D printer to see GreenSert in the flesh. After three days of assembly and tuning, the first prototype was made of PLA plastic.

A lot of time was spent perfecting the design. Many combinations were tested and various parameters were tuned. GreenSert was evolving before their eyes. Of course, it would not be possible without the support and understanding of their families and close friends! At last, the optimal design was perfected, and the latest prototype was completed in TPU plastic elastomer.

Now it was time to prove the GreenSert concept: it was flexed, crumpled, turned inside out, tested with boiling water, and even exposed to microwave radiation. GreenSert and RecyClad have passed all the trials successfully!

Their final step was to select proper material and manufacturing. There were several material options on the table, but they chose to use high quality silicone rubber which is odorless. As a team of Ph.Ds with 30+ years of total experience in physics, engineering, material science, and additive manufacturing, they found the right way to make a top quality product at a competitive competitive price. Tech New Logica believes in investing in the U.S. economy, and that is why they partnered with U.S. manufacturers only.

Small improvements matter, and when everyone plays their part, it will lead to a better world. “Because We Care” is their motto — they care about the environment and the future of our children and our planet.

Check out the link below to learn more about how to support GreenSert, and get discount pricing!

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