The Charitable and Social Activities of Politician Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch

Charitable Person

Deputy Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch has been representing the interests of the Belgorod region in the Russian parliament for more than 20 years. Even before the beginning of his political career in 1996, he founded the humanitarian foundation “Pokolenie” (“Generation”). Today, Skoch’s Pokolenie Foundation is known to every resident of the region.

Work for the Benefit of People

For two decades, Skoch Andrei Vladimirovich initiated the development and amendment of over 160 bills in the State Duma. The parliamentarian tries to base his legislative activity on people’s requests. Thus, in the course of meetings between Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch and the voters, the problem of the supply of vital supplies to medical institutions of the Belgorod region came to his attention. This was the reason behind a correction he spearheaded to Federal Law-44. It is as follows: “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

Pokolenie Foundation 

However, Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch’s main life project is his charity, the Pokolenie Foundation, which he founded in 1996. It is known not only in the Belgorod region but also across Russia. Over the years, with the support of the charitable organization, large-scale events have been held. For example, the literary prize “Debut”, medical awards like the “Healthy Childhood,” and the awards named after Academicians Bakulev and Bourakovsky were given out. In addition, the “Parental Record” competition was held to reward families with numerous children. Skoch’s Pokolenie Foundation provides targeted assistance to socially vulnerable categories of citizens: families with many children, veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, and the disabled.

The Pokolenie Foundation also finances the construction of social facilities. For example, in 2020, the fund allocated 2.3 billion rubles to the regional budget. The funds, initiated by Andrei Vladimirovich, were used for the construction and renovation of 75 health, education and cultural facilities, including the construction of new roads, water mains, and treatment facilities.

Renovation of Social Facilities

Skoch’s Pokolenie Foundation allocated 875 million rubles for the renovation of social facilities. These included schools, kindergartens, health care facilities, and other organizations in Stary Oskol. In 2020, 16 social facilities were renovated. Among them was School No. 8, completely renovated for the 55th anniversary of the educational institution. The building required a replacement of its utilities and roofing. For more than 50 years, the school had no assembly hall. However, today there is a place for official ceremonies and celebrations.

Over 22 million rubles were allocated for the overhaul of the Stary Oskol kindergarten Thumbelina. In addition to its general program, the kindergarten also hosts special groups for children with musculoskeletal disorders and delayed speech development. With the financial support of Skoch’s Pokolenie Foundation, the heating and water systems, electrical wiring, and the facade and interior of the educational institution were all replaced.

The Best Kindergarten in the Area

In 2020, the Mosaic kindergarten in Novy Oskol was opened after a major renovation. The funds for the large-scale renovation work on the preschool institution were also allocated by Andrei Skoch’s Pokolenie Foundation. As the head of the preschool educational institution Svetlana Zatsarinskaya noted, no one could even imagine such transformations. Moreover, this is the first major overhaul of the building in its entire 30-year history. “Mosaic” was recognized as the best preschool in the district. Today, 220 children in 12 groups attend the institution. An intellectual center, a sensory room, a Lego studio, a cartoon studio, and an additional education room were created for the preschoolers.

On the opening day of the Mosaic kindergarten, the residents of Novaya Oskol received another gift from the head of the foundation. A modern multifunctional sports field opened in one of the city districts.

Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch: Biography

The philanthropic politician was born in 1966 in the Moscow region. After school, Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch went into the army, serving in a reconnaissance company. Later he graduated from the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after M. A. Sholokhov, specializing in pedagogy and psychology. A few years later, he continued his education in graduate school and earned a Ph.D. in the pedagogical sciences.

Skoch’s career began in the entrepreneurial field. He launched several successful projects. These included baking bread and selling accessories for computer equipment. He later organized a business for the sale of oil products. The entrepreneur invested the earned capital in Alisher Usmanov’s “Interfin” project in 1995.

In 1999, Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch decided to change his sphere of activity and start a political career. He transferred his stake in “Interfin” (later renamed “Metalloinvest”) to his father. In the December elections, about 54% of voters voted for Skoch. In 2021, the deputy was elected to the new Duma convocation for the sixth time.

The state repeatedly awarded the parliamentarian for his fruitful work. He has received medals of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” I and II degrees for active social activities and labor achievements. Skoch’s insignia also includes the Order of Honor, and commendations from the President of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister.

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