Former Restaurant Owner Enters the Home Business Arena

One-on-One Coaching Makes Sense

Before Peter Vlahos decided to leave his “day job” and devote all his time to working from home as a business and marketing coach, he had taken the phrase “Hard Work Pays Off” to a whole new meaning. Only, he was still waiting on the “Pay-off” part.

Peter lost his father when he was only 6 years old. Being raised by a single mom, he was taught to work hard, and that’s just what he did.

At 29, he had already owned three different restaurants. He realized early on, that competing with all the food chains out there can make you a living, but all of his “living” was done in the restaurants. In 2005, he left the long hours of the restaurant business, to devote his time and knowledge of business management, and to become a district manager — managing multiple store locations in 3 different industries.

By age 37, Peter was married to Maria (pictured above with Peter) with two kids and a third on the way. “My life was good, but I wanted it to be extraordinary.  Both my wife and I were working very long hours and not spending the time we wanted to with our kids.” The anxiety of raising three children and the determination to create the life he wanted, pushed Peter to build a unique coaching business for home business folks that has not only replaced his previous income, but quadrupled it, and allowed his wife to stay at home with the kids full-time. “I had dabbled in a few MLM models as a way to add income to my existing paycheck and found that they all had one thing in common: Most failed at it.”

Peter quickly saw a need for hospitality, or “service,” in the home-based business arena, and he made a decision to be a home business owner and help others adapt these models to today’s simple, but effective, marketing techniques. “People are just MORE confused in a society of the Internet with all these new shiny biz ops. Unfortunately, nobody really provides any ‘real’ help,” he said. Peter is now using this unique business model and his love for helping people become successful, to teach others through 1-on-1 coaching sessions how to sit back and wait for the calls to come in. To learn more, visit:

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