Top Benefits of a Mobile Casino Affiliate Business

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Casino affiliate businesses are all about links! Whenever a potential player reaches your associate-casino, for instance, Platinum Play Casino, through your personalized link, the casino would know that you need to be paid for that referral/lead. What it also implies is that no matter how that player may have come across your link, you’d be paid as long as he/she heads to the correct destination! This type of flexibility also opens up various avenues for you to promote different casino brands, based on your strengths.

For instance, if you are good at writing, you could set up an online blog/magazine where you can regularly review different casino games and/or casinos. On the other hand, if you’re a video expert, you could opt for vlogging – a newly coined term for video blogging! You can create your own YouTube channel where you can post videos promoting different casino brands and games. You’ve got nothing to worry as long as you drive traffic ethically to your platform and are transparent about where you’re sending your visitors.

Let’s go over some of the other perks of running a mobile casino affiliate business.

Can be set up cheaply

Going back to the point discussed above, it’s entirely up to you how you market your associate casino brands. It’s you who decides the marketing budget and how you’re going to spend every penny. Although a few thousand dollars and some know-how of digital marketing can give you a head start in this business, you shouldn’t feel disheartened if it’s only your skills and time you can invest in the beginning. Setting up video channels and blogs isn’t very expensive these days. You can reap handsome returns if you put in a good amount of time and hard work.

Easy payment options

Being an affiliate opens up a world of opportunities for you. The choices can sometimes be overwhelming! Not only do you get to decide the casino brands you’ll work with, you also get the flexibility with regard to the payment options. While you can agree on a “finder’s fee” arrangement for every new player that converts for the casino, you can also opt for a revenue share agreement over the lifetime of a player.

It’s the latter where the big money is these days! Why? Simply because if you send even one high-roller (under a revenue sharing agreement) to an established online casino, you are guaranteed to earn anywhere from 20% to 40% of that player’s losses whenever he/she plays at that casino.

You get to work for yourself

Unarguably the most attractive factor when it comes to casino affiliate business, you no longer need to work in a 9 to 5 job or report to any seniors at work! However, please remember, as with any business, there are risks associated with casino affiliate businesses too. Although you can operate such business from anywhere you like, and earn huge rewards, there’s no guarantee of income!

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