Online casino gaming is a booming industry, especially in the UK where the entire gambling industry is worth £13.8 billion. There are some big name online casinos that have gone from humble beginnings to FTSE organisations with turnover in the hundreds of millions of pounds in only a few years, alongside many other smaller independent outfits that offer something different to a select group of customers.
Despite the industry being easier to access than ever before, getting a piece of the action is still very difficult. Setting up an online casino can be done from home, but even if you do manage to develop a working site, get the correct licensing and either develop or purchase expensive virtual gaming solutions, there is an endless supply of competitors with more capital and experience than you. Getting your foot on the ladder requires external investors in most cases, taking the control away from your venture and creating the extra pressure of having to pay your backers when you do end up making a profit. There is however a way around this invisible barrier to entering the online casino world. As the old saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them.
Affiliate marketers can and do make large sums of money by providing web traffic, with established sites like pokerstrategy.com and pokersource.com posting revenue in the millions of dollars per month. Of course building a visitor base takes time, but can be done with a small amount of investment and quality content that generate repeat visitors who can be redirected.
One of the best online casino affiliate programmes allows partners to access a profit share scheme based on the number of new customers registered from web referrals. Even with a small amount of time invested, websites can generate money even if they are only updated semi-regularly.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to grab market share in an industry that is both established and growing without having to invest vast sums of money. Just make sure that your website is both attractive and innovative and hosts popular search topics, along with regular visitor figures. The online gambling giants will soon welcome you with open arms and share their profits with you!
Affiliate marketing is a fairly recent addition to the gaming world, based on an older concept from the early days of web marketing and SEO. Successful web pages and gaming sites in particular are heavily reliant on a steady flow of traffic, providing potential customers and ensuring visibility to market segments that may be hard to reach. Affiliate marketing works by linking pages together, often by a hyperlink or button that takes the reader or site visitor to a partner website. The partner website will then offer an incentive dependent on how much traffic from their ‘feeder’ aka affiliate site, often a monetary value based on the amount of clicks they get from each affiliate.
The opportunity for budding casino entrepreneurs here is that they can use the big name casinos to their advantage, providing website traffic in exchange for an agreed monetary amount, sometimes known as ‘pay per click’ or for a profit share for each new customer. Money can also be made by agreeing to create and maintain a website with the sole target of diverting visitors to the casino website. Content is one of the best ways to drive traffic, with readers linked from one article to the casino page via an embedded hyperlink that is relevant to the text.