Seven of the Best Reasons for Working in Construction

If you’ve been working in construction for a while now, or if you’re thinking about getting into it after school or college, you may be asking yourself why you got into it, or why you should. There are countless reasons, really – just take a look around you – humans need buildings, and lots of them! But there are lots of other, less-obvious things about a career in construction that should make you happy and proud. Here’s just seven of them…


All those buildings that people need and rely on to function as a society – you helped to build some of them!

Not many other professions give you the opportunity to say that to yourself and to others. You may be walking or driving past a new hospital, or a new school and you can feel satisfied and proud that you helped to get the RSJs just right, or that you poured the concrete that the kids are now running around on. Stand tall in your work boots and know you are contributing to building a community. Click here to find comfortable and sturdy boots to help you power successfully through the workday.

As part of the construction industry, you’re the backbone of a strong economy

A country’s strength is closely allied to its construction industry. If there are lots of construction projects going on, there’s lots of new jobs being created, bringing new funds, new faces and new life into communities. This is without mentioning the long-term benefits of the new infrastructure.

You can make as much progress within the industry as you like

You’ll start off at the bottom, it’s true, but construction is an egalitarian kind of industry, especially if you work for a more progressive company like Lagan Construction Group. You’ll be able to work your way up the ranks, learning new skills and areas of expertise every day, from people who have been working in the job for decades.

You see immediate results

Construction is a very physical job (you already knew that, of course) and so you see the results of your labour every day. There’s no waiting for experiment results to come back, no big data to have to interpret – just making things happen and watching your team members doing the same!

Every day is different

OK, there’ll be the occasional boring day, but that just makes the non-boring ones even better. Each new site, each new project, brings something different to the table.

You’ll be able to work with a solid, cohesive team

Working together to build something and to solve problems is one of humanity’s biggest bonding experiences. You’ll learn people-skills and also make friends for life. The construction industry is known for its close networks as teams and companies often collaborate over the years and get to know one another. You’ll also bond strongly with the members of your own team; even though some of them might drive you mad, you know they’re great at their job and that you can rely on them.

All these great benefits and you get a decent pay packet, too

You’ll rarely be out of work if you go into construction and many companies offer generous overtime and bonus schemes to go alongside your basic salary.

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