An Honest Affiliate Institute Review

Affiliate Marketing

I initially started with the Affiliate Institute in 2019 pretty much just to check it out and see what the buzz was for. I registered for one of the free courses with the Affiliate Institute, but upgraded to a paid membership with them less than 24 hours later. Months later after training with the Affiliate Institute, I made the decision to write a review about them on what I’ve experienced, and whether this is a good program that someone could sign up with.

Please note that I do not write this review of Affiliate Institute as another sales pitch as I have nothing to gain by this post. I’ve looked online for reviews of their training and haven’t found them to be all that in-depth or thorough. My hope is to change that with my article. So in MY Affiliate Institute review I’m going to be a little bit different than all those other articles you see covering this training. Here is what I’d like to go over below:

  • Honest promise and disclosure
  • Just who I am
  • How I found the Affiliate Institute and why I ended up signing up with them
  • What I like about the Affiliate Institute
  • What I dislike about the Affiliate Institute
  • Who should register for their training
  • Who shouldn’t register for their training

My Honest Promise and Complete Disclosure

One of the reasons I started my website is because when you’re in affiliate marketing, you might find yourself becoming annoyed or even angry with how no one has any ethics, and how everyone spreads misinformation. This is especially true for those who happen to be in the niche of “making money online.” There are a ton of “marketers” out there who swear that you can get some easy money fast if you just sign up for this one thing. Honestly, I’m just so tired of it all. If you want to start an affiliate marketing business, it takes time just like other businesses do. It also takes plenty of trial and error and figuring things out.

Now having said that, I should disclose that I am an affiliate with a lot of programs. You might come across some of them, but they aren’t directly connected to this article or the Affiliate Institute.

Here’s the complete bottom line: I might be a little biased when it comes to the Affiliate Institute, but I also promise that I will be fully honest with you in everything you read from me. The Affiliate Institute isn’t for everyone out there, but it is for those who are willing to work hard. Don’t go and sign up for them if you are expecting something like a get rich quick scheme.

Just Who Am I, Anyway?

Businessman writing

Well the gist of it is that I became an affiliate marketer in 2008 and was able to make a full-time living off of it in 2010. Now I own more than 3 dozen websites across various niches.

During that time I’ve taken almost every single training program available online for affiliate marketers. Some of these have been absolutely terrible, and others have been pretty decent. Eventually, though, even the decent ones end up becoming outdated after X amount of years, so if you’ve followed me you’ll see that I’ve actually suggested people try different programs as time has went on.

So, for example, way back in the day I learned some of my first skills from a service that was known as Solo Build It. At the time I had no clue what affiliate marketing even was, let alone how to start building a business online. This course did change my life quite a bit, though, and got me started building websites online. I’ve been in the game ever since.

I’ve also tried Affilorama and even promoted them at one time, but I can’t anymore because the value just isn’t there these days. It’s old, hasn’t adapted, and is just way too much money for what you get from it.

Basically what I’m trying to say is that I’m not trying to sell YOU a single thing that I wouldn’t suggest my closest family and friends try out.

Call me crazy, but I believe that if you decide to be affiliate marketers you should only be promoting services or products that you actually believe in. I know, I know…almost no one is in my camp on this. You’ll find few marketers who believe this way, but I feel strongly about it.

Why I Signed Up with the Affiliate Institute and How I Found Them

I’m always trying to step my game up and learn more. I’ve tried out a ton of programs, and still do. Eventually I came across the Affiliate Institute. I had seen them pop up here and there before in Google so I knew the name, but I never really read up on them since I was busy building sites and had other programs I was going through.

So the reason I actually signed up with them is almost certainly different than why you’re looking to sign up with them. Most likely you’re looking to learn how you can make legitimate money online, how to build websites, a blog, and make money from your blog. I already knew those things so that isn’t what I was looking for (though they teach you all of those things, and quite well). No, I signed up with them as someone who has been in this field for years to see if the training, resources, and tools that the Affiliate Institute provides are something that I could honestly, ethically suggest to people looking to get in the game.

Well, it didn’t take long before I found myself shocked by how different they are. Their community, training (both live and recorded), support, and business-based approach for both beginners and seasoned professionals really blew me away.

I’m pretty unique in why I signed up with them, I think. Rather than hoping to learn something from them, I was looking to see if they were a valuable company worth recommending to people who asked. Who knew I’d end up learning a ton myself!

What You Get with the Premium Affiliate Institute Training Options 

Affiliate Marketing Concept

The paid options of the Affiliate Institute are where you are going to get access to their entire top-tier, high-quality training. If you really want to build a business online and take it seriously, then this is what you need. Never in my entire career as an online marketer have I ever seen such a wonderful community that is filled with such great resources, tools, and help. I’ve been part of numerous other online marketing sites, but this is on another level entirely.

One of the largest problems I used to have with other training in this field is that they get outdated very quickly. If you’re a part of the Affiliate Institute you have no need to worry about anything like this. They have new training constantly being added all the time. You’ll also be able to access all of their community features which is so amazingly helpful. I spend hours every day speaking with other people who are going through the same steps in building out their businesses. It’s really great.

Yes, of course it costs money to join. Any business you want to start will take an investment at some point. The key here is for you to invest your money wisely and for you to be sure that you’re actually investing in the correct things for your business. With this training you’ll get every single thing you could ever need to start growing a successful business online. With their training and tools you have everything right at your fingertips.

What I Like About the Affiliate Institute

Ok, I know, my bias is already painfully obvious in a big way, but don’t worry. I’ll tell you exactly what I dislike about the Affiliate Institute a little bit below. However, as I’ve already mentioned, I really don’t know of a single other training out there that is better for someone new that is looking to get started in affiliate marketing. Look around my site for a bit and you’ll see that I have spent an enormous amount of time building it. Years of my life are on this site, all free for anyone who wants to come and read them. I only want to suggest the absolute best training to people looking for my advice.

I’ll let you know a tiny secret of mine. When I first started building out sites, I had planned on monetizing one of them by selling off my very own training course that taught affiliate marketing. I was maybe 1/3rd of the way through when I came to the realization that I’d never actually be able to give the level of quality I wanted to potential customers. If I did somehow manage to do it, it’d likely become outdated in less than 3 years and I’d have to completely rebuild it.

Something I really enjoy about the Affiliate Institute is that it allows me to show people that high level of training that I’d hoped to be able to show people. Since they’re always updating their services and coming out with new content, they’re always providing high value.

Now, the thing that I love the most, and the reason why I suggest them to just about everyone who is looking to get into affiliate marketing is because they give you every single thing you’ll ever need or want in this field. They’ve got you covered with everything. They give you the training, the tools, and so much more for you to be successful. If you find yourself lost, then you can ask for their help or ask the community to help you out. It’s a wonderful system.

What I Dislike About the Affiliate Institute

Affiliate Marketing

Alright, alright, I promised it above so here it is. I want to cover what I dislike about the Affiliate Institute. I’m sure that if you’ve read through this whole thing you’ll see that I really enjoy their training, but everyone can always improve.

I would say a big part of what I dislike about their system is that they focus the majority of their trainings on those who are beginners and intermediates. This completely makes sense from a business standpoint, of course, since most people joining will be completely new to this field. However, I’d really love it if they came out with some more advanced training for those of us who have years and years of experience as affiliate marketers. Hey, like I said, we can all improve and I always want to be improving my skillset.

It’d also be nice for their community to have a forum attached to it. Right now they have a pretty interesting way of building up their community, and I get why they don’t use a forum. They like blog posts, private messages, live chats, and public questions available for all members. It’s a great setup, but I also like forums where I can just look around based on different topics. Maybe in the future, eh guys?

Lastly, I’d say that it is actually very nearly too easy for you to communicate with people through their system. Don’t get me wrong I really love helping everyone I can and meeting those new to the field, but as someone who has been around for awhile I do get a lot of questions from a ton of people I’ve never met. Because of this I have to try and prioritize my responses. This communication system works, but I feel bad sometimes for responding a bit late to those just looking for a bit of help from someone experienced.

On the whole, though, I really do think that their training is the absolute best place online for anyone new to affiliate marketing who wants to get their feet wet. It’s a great place with amazing training, which I’m sure you’ll see for yourself if you go and sign up.

Who Should Sign Up for Affiliate Institute?

The main reason of pretty much any review, of course, is to help you choose whether or not you should purchase that thing being reviewed. That includes this article about the Affiliate Institute. The training certainly isn’t for everyone, but first let’s goes over who it is for, and then after that I will get into who shouldn’t sign up.

Their training is fantastic for anyone new to the world of affiliate marketing. It’s also great for people who’ve been around, but still aren’t at an advanced level. Of course, those who are already at an advanced level will likely get a lot out of the training as well since we can always improve and learn more, but it is mostly focused on those who are completely new to the field; those who are looking for training on how they can start a business online from nothing.

They never claim to be a get rich quick strategy. It isn’t, and there really isn’t such a thing anywhere. In this training you learn exactly how to go and build a legit, actual business online that can make real money. Just be prepared to work, put in the time, and have some patience just like any other business. If you’re willing to learn and put in the work, possibly many months of work before turning a profit, then this could be a good fit for you.

It’s also wonderful for people who want everything all in one place in a neat bundle. If you don’t want to have to piece together different kinds of training for your online business, this is a great place to learn. You’ll have everything you’ll ever want or need for your online business right here.

Who Shouldn’t Sign Up for Affiliate Institute?

Sign up!

I always say everyone should give it a shot since there are certain things for free to test the waters, and there is a money back guarantee as well. Having said that, starting an online business isn’t for all the people in the entire world. It might not be for you.

Sometimes I’ve seen people sign up for these types of programs who are in a really bad spot, financially speaking. Maybe they lost a job or have some medical emergency taking place. While there isn’t a good reason for those in this situation to not sign up, many of them expect to make a good income within a few weeks or months. That is unlikely to happen, as it is with any business. The average business in general takes about three years to turn a profit, and most fail and go under in the 1st year. It isn’t likely to take that long with your online business, of course, but it does take time and hard work. If you need fast cash, this isn’t a good place for you and you shouldn’t sign up. The Affiliate Institute will teach you to build an actual business online that can last you a long time if you’re willing to put in the effort.

Pretty much what I’m saying is that people looking to make some money fast without looking into the long term shouldn’t sign up. While there are lots of courses and books floating around that claim to help you make money fast, believe me when I say they are all full of it. Building a good income takes work and it takes time.

Lastly, if you are just looking to test out affiliate marketing then I wouldn’t suggest signing up for any paid courses from anywhere. You can learn enough with the free modules to test if it is something you’d want to get into. If you’re not already committed to creating a sustainable online business for long-term wealth then why waste the money?

At the end of the day, you aren’t going to find any sort of training that is of an extremely high quality outside of what the Affiliate Institute has to offer. I’ve tried all the big ones out there, and tons of the smaller ones. Believe me when I say that there is nothing anywhere online or offline like the training you’ll get from the Affiliate Institute. If you’re committed to changing your life and building a business online then you’ll definitely be satisfied with what they have to offer.

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