3 Time-Saving Software Innovations for Your Construction Company

Admin tasks are like weeds – you get rid one only to find another three have sprung up.

Whether it’s finalising quotes for prospective customers, filling in paperwork or catching up with an overflowing inbox, there’s no shortage of pesky little jobs to keep you busy.

If you’re not careful, you’ll soon find you have to practically chain yourself to your desk for the entire week just to get halfway through them all.

It’s bad news when you run a construction company.

Instead of getting out there to visit sites you’re stuck at base camp, working in your home office and relying on phone calls to stay up-to-date with your team’s latest triumphs and difficulties.

To free yourself from your paperwork prison, you need to figure out how to cut your admin time down – and we’ve got just the answer for you.

Here’s our pick of three of the best software innovations that’ll boost your efficiency and help you get back on site.

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#1: Inspection software

As the person in charge, it’s your responsibility to ensure all equipment and projects are in line with safety regulations.

Failing to do so not only puts your employees at risk but also your business – should your standards slip, you could face a major fine or even a closure.

Inspection software from Motion Software is used in lots of industries, including construction, to keep comprehensive safety records. By quickly collecting data it reduces the time between inspection and final report, helping you effortlessly build evidence of compliance.

#2: HR software

Whether you run a construction company or a retail shop, looking after your employees is one of the biggest admin responsibilities you’ll have to deal with.

If you don’t have proper procedures in place to handle payroll, expenses and scheduling, you’ll soon find it takes up all of your spare time.

HR software from the likes of MHR can help you take care of the odd and ends associated with workforce management, keeping you in line with regulations regarding employee rights and keeping your staff happy.

#3: Building Information Modelling (BIM)

OK, BIM may be a little pricey but we still think it deserves mentioning, mostly because alongside streamlining your processes it could also help you win bigger clients – and the sizeable paycheques that come with them.

Data-based 3D models of projects can reduce mistakes (and the time and resources they waste) and improve productivity, all by making collaboration between team members much simpler.

Autodesk BIM software could revolutionise the way your company operates so, even if it’s not a realistic option right now, it’s worth keeping an eye on developments and prices over the next few years.

Have you got any other time-saving tips for business owners struggling to stay on top of admin? Leave a comment and let us know.


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