Ten Surprising Facts About the IGaming Industry You Didn’t Know

Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Internet gaming is slowly but surely becoming the most dominant form of gaming worldwide as it is the most typical method people use to pass the time. IGaming is, however, now revolutionizing into a sport like any other, especially among the youth in Asian countries like China, Japan, and South Korea.

Gaming has made many young people richer than engineers and doctors. Many gamers are ditching corporate work life to dedicate their time to online gaming. Here are some facts about online gaming you didn’t know.

1. Online Gaming and Cryptocurrencies Are a Match Made in Heaven

You must have already figured this out if you are an apt player. Many online games are payable in crypto coin form. The most common payment solutions for gambling sites include cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, and Litecoin.

Many gaming service providers like these payment modes as the government does not regulate them. The transactions are typically considered fast, secure, and have a sense of anonymity.

2. IGaming Generates a Revenue of Over a Quarter Billion Dollars Yearly

The gaming industry’s global revenue is estimated at twenty-six billion dollars. The figure is expected to rise by fifteen percent every year.

As of June 2018, China’s game industry generated a revenue of over twenty-seven billion dollars. Europe came in second, and North America grabbed the third position. Countries generating the most revenue from online gaming are China, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and South Korea.

Back in 1982, the revenue reported from the gaming industry was eight billion dollars, which has now significantly become an eighteen to twenty billion dollars industry.

3. Watching Someone Play Is Equally Satisfying as Playing the Game Yourself

Have you ever heard of video game streaming? Well, it is a thing and is now becoming much more common. In video game streaming, fans log in to their favorite games to watch their favorite gamers play.

The most popular video streaming platform is Twitch, with more than fifteen million fans logging in to watch their favorite players. Many people obtain a steady income just by streaming games online.

4. Gamers Make Millions of Dollars on YouTube by Recording Their Plays

Many gamers started recording their game plays and editing them with voice notes to upload on YouTube. These videos help other newbie gamers learn tips and tricks. It’s also an excellent way to do what you enjoy and make it a source of income too. Although it’s not all fun and games, you do need to learn a few skills such as editing and adding voice-over notes as a gamer.

5. Sixty-eight Percent of Smartphone Owners Play Online Games

To say the least, smartphones are now everywhere. Smartphones contribute to the massive growth witnessed in online gaming, making it easier to access and play games through advanced technology.

Smartphones may not be able to replace PlayStations and Xbox, but they are a genius option to play games while you’re on the go.

6. South Korea Banned Midnight Gaming for Kids

That’s right! In 2011, children under sixteen were not allowed to play games between 12 am, and 6 am. This ban, however, increased registration numbers by kids to continue playing. Mobile video games were, however, not affected by the law.

7. Gaming Is Not Only for the Young

Believe it or not, more than 30% of online gamers are older people ranging from fifty years. The most common games among the elderly are crosswords and puzzles, with about sixty-two percent. Forty-two percent of older people play adventure games, and thirty-two percent play simulation games.

8. There Are More Female Gamers Than Males

According to recent research, forty-five percent of gamers are women, and forty-six percent of gaming purchasers are also women. However, they enjoy different genres than men, with most women wanting subtle plot line games, puzzles, crosswords, and fashion.

The percentage has been driven by the ability to personalize characters and the gradual acceptance of being a geek in gaming. These factors notwithstanding, women and girls are changing the sex narrative of gaming. So, the next time you have a female for competition, be aware she will be strong opposition!

9. Grand Theft Auto Is the Most Expensive Game That Has Been Made

The 2013 version of the Grand Theft Auto game took a whopping hundred and thirty-seven million dollars to build and another hundred and twenty-eight million dollars to market. The spending was well worth it as the game earned its owners a significant profit of one billion dollars within the first three days of the game being on air.

The second most expensive game, Call of Duty: Modern War Far2, cost an average of two hundred and fifty million dollars, fifty of which were used in the development and the rest for marketing.

The total cost margin, however, between the two games is mind-boggling.

10. The Longest Time Spent in a Video Game Is One Hundred and Thirty-Five Hours and Fifty Minutes

This record was made by an Australian gamer named Okan Kaya. This is the highest documented time in the Guinness book, remaining unbeaten.

The gamer played the game Call of Duty, Black Ops 2, in 2012. The player from Sydney initially worked as a sales manager for a local computer cable company before embarking on the journey. All his progress is documented on the company’s Facebook page and website.

Final Thoughts on the IGaming Industry

Though online gaming was just one of those things that come and go. Internet gaming looks like it’s here to stay and is earning many gamers a steady source of income from the comfort of their basements or bedrooms.

If you seek the best games to make money while you play, read the terms and conditions and stay clear of scammers. Remember, gaming can be addictive and does require discipline.

If you’re an online gamer, do let us know about your favorite games in the comment section.

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