SEO: What Are the Trends for 2022?

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Photo by Sasha Kim from Pexels

BrightEdge reports that SEO generates 1000 times the amount of traffic as social media. This quantifies its importance in the evolving content market, which provides the corporate sector with more than 60% leads.

SEO experts firmly believe that by 2022, SERP rankings will rely more on quality content and images in compliance with the EAT principles.

The shift from keyboard to voice culture and the rise of AI tools are expected to bring about innovative changes in the SEO arena. To stay more relevant, do check out the Blog Eskimoz to learn about the best SEO practices in the current times.

For now, let’s highlight the trends of SEO predicted for 2022.

Featured Snippets

2019 witnessed 49% featured snippets, which lead to zero-click search. These provide users with short and accurate answers to their search while also reducing the organic CTR.

However, the flip side of the picture dictates something else. Featured snippets escalate the chances of getting a click if your content speaks quality and intrigues users to go into the details of it.

The knowledge graph displays brand logos in a carousel with precise information, consequently increasing brand awareness.

These are also amazing gateways for video snippets where a few keywords can make you top the SERP. Optimize the schema markup to make the best profits.

Images for Google Lens

10.1% of traffic is derived from Google images. With increasing camera qualities, people prefer scanning objects from Google Lens to know their peculiarities.

Besides aesthetics, images serve as a great tool for convincing users about the appearance and quality of a product in a matter of seconds. For instance, if a customer finds the product of his choice by Google Images, he can be redirected to Amazon to instantly shop for it.

It is advisable to modify alt text with relevant keywords, deploy infographics and watermarks to increase the chances of creating a lively marketing funnel.

AI-assisted Voice Search

2022 is going to be the golden year where almost 55% of homes will be equipped with AI-powered assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant.

Kleiner Perkins reports a 35x surge in the frequency of voice search(2008-16), done in almost 60 languages. This necessitates the inclusion of advanced SEO tactics to align with this new revolution.

The RankBrain, Bert, and NLP algorithms are the brains behind picking up appropriate answers for voice search. The faster a page loads, the better are its chances to be included in the voice search.

Listing your webpage on Google My Business and national directories makes it searchable for the typical “near me” queries. Backlinks, entities mapwork, and schema optimization are suggestive tools to top the voice search SERP.

Mobile Website Indexing

Since 87% of users use the internet on mobile phones, a responsive website is predicted to host more visitors, hence, higher dwell time. Visit the Google Search Console to check your indexing crawler.

Structure your website accordingly to fit in the most important texts on the page, gauge the PageSpeed insights, and evaluate navigation efficiency.

Hone its content to make it enter Google Discover, the personalized social media of 2022.

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