How to Improve Your Website’s Traffic with the Use of Link Building

Link Building

Most consumers nowadays are spending a significant portion of their time online. Whether they’re browsing through their social media feed or searching for answers to a particular query, businesses have to compete with each other to reach their target audience.

Digital marketing is a crucial strategy that all companies should employ, particularly link building, which is a part of search engine optimization (SEO). With link building, you acquire links from other websites and direct traffic to your domain.

Search engine crawlers or bots use links to navigate through millions of web pages online. The process of getting links from other websites increases the chances that Google and Bing discover your blog. It also helps these search engines assess the relevance of your page for a specific query.

You can find lots of materials online about this strategy. Enroll in a link building training program if you want a more comprehensive understanding of the process.

Meanwhile, start improving your website’s traffic with these easy link building tips:

1. Ask for Links in Your Network

More and more people are creating websites to promote their brands. You probably have a few acquaintances and relatives who have gained a following on their blogs. Don’t be afraid to ask them for backlinks, which are links placed in their web pages that direct their readers to your website. You can also reach out to your clients and ask for backlinks, too.

You still have to remember, though, that your link must be placed in blogs that are somehow related to your industry or niche. For instance, if you sell kitchenware, you can ask backlinks from your food blogger friends or those who own restaurants. The point is that your link shouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb among the articles on the website.

2. Guest Post on Blogs in Your Niche

Guest posting is the most common link building strategy. It entails creating articles or blog posts for another website in the hopes that they’ll publish your content with the link to your site.

This link building strategy is valuable in boosting your online presence and visibility to your target audience. Most blogs that accept guest posts have already established a following and having your article published with them introduces your brand to their readers.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do guest posting correctly:

  • Publish Awesome Content – Before you start your guest posting campaign, you have to ensure that you showcase attention-grabbing and informative content on your website. Also, most publishers do some background checks to ensure that they’re sending their readers to a legitimate site since this can affect their credibility as well. This is why you should clean up your domain first and show that you are serious about your brand.
  • Look for Prospects – In the example above, if you are selling kitchenware, you can reach out to blogs that focus on food, cooking, and general household or housekeeping. You can find potential guest post publishers in relevant niches by typing in a search string query on Google in this format: “your keyword” + “guest post” or “write for us” or “submit content.”
  • Reach Out to Web Administrators – Now that you have a list of prospective websites, you should craft an email to their administrators. Make sure that your message stands out from thousands of guest post proposals in their inboxes while getting straight to the point. Pro tip: suggest some topics that they haven’t written about and volunteer to write one for them to add value to their site.
  • Write Your Guest Post – After getting confirmation from a publisher, you have to put as much thought and effort into creating your guest post as when you’re creating an article for your own site. You may even need to spend more time and energy into a guest post because you want to put your best foot forward, especially since you’ll be introducing your brand to a whole new set of audience.
Link Building

3. Comment on Blog Posts

Another useful strategy is to comment on blog posts on high-authority websites. Digital marketing is all about establishing relationships, whether with your target audience or publishers and competitors in the same niche.

Commenting on these blogs may be time-consuming, but it’s necessary to put you in a particular writer or company’s radar. Read the post and provide honest feedback on the information that you gleaned from it. Then, don’t forget to add a link or two to your domain or specific blog posts as well to make the most out of this campaign.

Again, look for websites in your industry. Aim for ones that have a lot of readers who comment on the posts. This level of engagement is useful in getting your brand known by the author as well as their subscribers.

By the way, it’s better to assign the task of commenting on blog posts to one person. With this, you ensure that the tone of voice on your comments is the same across various platforms and sites. You also minimize the risk of double-posting on one website.

4. Contribute to Crowdsourced Articles

You may have seen posts that feature several people and their commentaries on a particular topic. This is because most magazines and digital publications crowdsource some articles to share the opinions of their readers.

Be on the lookout for these types of publications and contribute to them as much as you can. This strategy allows you to take advantage of the publisher’s extensive subscriber base. Just make sure to include a link to your website to maximize the opportunity.

5. Add Links to Your Email Signatures

Lastly, don’t forget to incorporate your links in your email signatures. While you may think that no one would check this detail, you’d be surprised that these can still boost traffic to your website by a little bit.

It’s all about convenience. When reaching out to potential clients or publishers, you’re making your website more accessible to them by placing a link to your domain in your email signature. They can then read your blog and see your business.


Link building is a useful digital marketing strategy that you should employ to boost traffic to your website. Try these suggestions to start your link building campaign today.

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