How to Find Business Keywords That Drive Traffic to Your Site


Around 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. Learning how to identify valuable business keywords will help your website get noticed by more consumers.

It’s common knowledge that search engines count on keywords to find relevant content. However, most business owners aren’t aware of the successful keywords they could be using.

Using keywords effectively will help you rank in SERPs (search engine results pages). Plus, you can even use those same keywords in PPC campaigns and other marketing efforts.

Here’s what you should know about choosing keywords that benefit your business’s website:

Brainstorm Search Terms

First, make a list of words that relate to your business. Then brainstorm relevant search terms that you think customers will use. It’s one thing to know how to find keywords on a page, but it’s another thing to put yourself in consumers’ shoes and think of keywords they’d use themselves.

This exercise will give you an idea of the topics you plan on covering with your website.

Place these relevant keywords into groups. This helps you organize which keywords you’ll be using on different pages.

Analyze Business Keywords With Alexa

Use keyword research and suggestion tools to learn more about the search terms you’ve listed. You can also use these tools to find similar keywords you hadn’t considered earlier. That way, when someone learns how to search for a word on a webpage that’s similar to words you’ve used, it’ll come up in your content.

Finding out your site’s Competitive Power through Alexa. Then choose keywords with competition scores that are equal to or below your site’s Competitive Power.

Free Tools Aren’t Always Enough

Wordstream’s Keyword Suggestion Tool is free to use and tells you each suggested keyword’s Google Search Volume. Add keywords to your website such as high-volume primary keywords and relevant but low-volume keywords. (More on that later.)

Still, Wordstream’s free keyword tool tells you nothing about how competitive the keywords are. SEMRush gives you detailed keyword research, but Ahrefs gives you backlink information and crawling reports that SEMRush doesn’t include. Feel free to compare these tools at the aforementioned link.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Truly knowing how to search for keywords on a web page means considering long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are search terms that contain 3 or more words.

For instance, a good long-tail keyword for an Atlanta nail salon would be something specific like “french manicure in Atlanta.”

The search volume for long-tail keywords usually isn’t as high as single keywords’ search volume levels. Nonetheless, the traffic you’ll attract will be much more targeted. Also, the competition for long-tail keywords is usually lower, so your business’s website will get noticed by search engines more.

Keywords Are Waiting To Be Discovered By You

Each second, Google handles 67,000 searches, according to SEO Tribunal. You never know when someone will search for the business keywords you’ve used and find your business organically.

Still, an effective business SEO strategy requires more than just keywords. It also requires quick loading times, backlinks, and more effort.

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