What Your Company Needs to Know About Preventing Data Breaches

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Photo by Shivam Gandhi on Unsplash

Before you can understand what you need to know about data breaches, it’s important to know what exactly a data breach is. Breaches in data are when someone not involved with your company illegally accesses your customers’ information or account details.

We hear of major companies having security issues all the time. Last year, more than 3,800 breaches in data were publicly disclosed by well-known companies. These breaches lead to customer credit card details, social security numbers, phone numbers, and mailing addresses becoming available to hackers looking to use that information to turn a profit.

If you’re looking to step up your company’s cybersecurity and better protect your customers’ data, keep reading to find out the best ways to prevent data breaches and keep your confidential information safe from hackers.

How Is Data Breached?

The most important aspect of understanding how to prevent data breaches is to understand how they happen in the first place. So how exactly do hackers access our confidential data?

Data breaches can happen in a number of ways, with the most common being weak account passwords. A weak password makes it so easy for hackers to gain access to your data, that they should be illegal. The same can be said for reusing passwords–another common mistake that can lead to account details being breached.

These account details can often be stolen through the use of keyloggers. Keyloggers are a type of malware that hackers install on your computer, often through a convincing link they’ve gotten you to open. They then use this malware to store and access your keystrokes, meaning that whenever you log in to any online account, hackers can access that information and use it against you.

Other ways that hackers might attempt to breach your data include inside breaches and physical attacks, such as illegal ATM card readers. Luckily for you, we have found the best ways to keep your company safe from hackers.

Use a Password Manager

One of the easiest ways to protect the information you store online is to use a password management tool. These tools help bolster your online security because they address the number one cause of data breaches: weak passwords.

With most companies using dozens of accounts every day, it can be hard to keep track of dozens of passwords. Using a dedicated password manager for business will help eliminate the need to remember these passwords by storing them securely for you.

You will only need to remember the master password for your secure online vault, then you will be able to access each account. Because this software is compatible across devices and browsers, you’ll only need to worry about one keeper tool to manage all of your accounts.

Other Important Safety Tips

While using a password manager will most certainly step up your online security, it shouldn’t be your company’s only line of cyber defense. Installing antivirus software and firewalls is another way to keep your company protected from hackers.

Antivirus software works behind the scenes to scan your files and look for known malware threats. When these threats are found, the software can then quarantine and eliminate them before they have a chance to harm your company.

Another great way for businesses to protect themselves from hackers is to make sure employees and customers are aware of phishing scams. Phishing is another common way hackers can gain access to your data because they prey on the vulnerable and unsuspecting nature of people.

Phishing scams usually happen when a hacker replicates your website and sends emails to a list of people asking them to change their login or payment information using a link provided in the email. These links often lead to a replica of your website where customers can ‘log in’ to their accounts or update their credit card information.

Because many companies often send out links to their website via email, it can be tricky to spot a real company email from a phishing scam. Make sure your employees and customers make sure to always check the sender’s email address before clicking any links they may receive. If the email address seems off, they should avoid clicking the link and call the supposed sender’s listed phone number for clarification.

Small Businesses Are Not Immune

It’s a common misconception that hackers don’t target smaller businesses. This is because we primarily hear about Fortune 500 companies being the victims of hacking. In reality, small businesses make up over 60% of all businesses whose data has been breached.

With more and more people focusing on buying local and supporting small businesses, it’s no wonder that hackers would also turn their eyes to these businesses. More than 80% of small businesses aren’t doing enough to protect their data, even though they’re collecting customer information online.

Small businesses should also be taking every precaution to keep confidential data safe and out of the hands of hackers. After all, small businesses are less likely to bounce back from the impacts a data breach can have than larger companies.

In Conclusion

Our world has become highly technological over the last few years, so it shouldn’t be surprising that criminals have found a way to use their skills online.

Luckily for you and your business, protecting your accounts doesn’t have to be a hassle. With a few easy steps, you can be well on your way to improving your business’s online security.

Use these tips and tricks to keep your company, and your customers, safe from hackers and get back to what matters most: your business.

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