Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Using a VPN

Image by Stefan Coders from Pixabay

Working from home has become the new normal for many companies. It has been convenient and allowed companies to keep open and continue paying their employees, but it has left them more vulnerable to cyberattacks of all kinds. If the company is not using a virtual private network, or VPN, they could be leaving themselves open to attacks.

A VPN is a network system that will exist outside of the internet to provide extra encryption and security measures meant to protect your data and your identity when you are online. And it is an important thing for a business to consider if they need to share information and want to keep it safe.

Here’s a VPN guide that takes a closer look at some of the reasons your business should be using this security measure.

1. Better Security

VPN’s are a great way for you to boost your online safety and privacy when you are online. This service will keep important information like your IP address, location, passwords, and all the data safe from a potential hacker. Basically, this VPN will make sure you have a secure connection between the device and the network to any other resources you use.

Like many businesses, you will need to transfer data. Even when you use safe websites like Office 365 or Dropbox, there is the potential that a hacker will try to get your information. When you add in VPN security, you get that extra safety that you need along the way.

Anytime you plan to use data with your business and share it with employees, especially if those employees are all around the world, it is important to have extra security to make it safe. Don’t leave it all to chance. Trust a VPN to help.

2. Encrypt Your Data

If you plan to send out important information online, whether through a shopping app or online banking, it is possible your data is at risk. Some of these apps will use their own encryption, but you are putting a lot of faith in these apps working and keeping your data safe. A VPN is a good option because it can make sure that no one will steal your data.

A VPN is also good for encrypting video and voice chat data. This means you can keep all of your meetings on Zoom or business calls safe and secure from unwanted listeners. With the right encryption, no one else will be able to get into the chats without you giving permission.

3. Protect You in Public Wi-Fi Areas

Public Wi-Fi spots can be a great way to get some of the work done that you need. The problem is that they do not always provide the same type of security that you can get with your home or office internet.

The data that gets transmitted across the open public network is easy to intercept by an interested cyber-criminal. Even with a connection protected by a password, other users on the network can see that you are there.

All a hacker needs to do is get the same password that you have and then they can jump right onto the network. When you utilize a VPN, you can help make your online activity more secure and make it harder for a hacker to get on and take your data.

4. Low Maintenance Costs

Compared to some of the other cybersecurity measures your company will use, a VPN is a less expensive option to keep your information safe. Once you get the VPN network set up, the maintenance costs will be low for your company or for personal use.

This can be really relevant when it comes to choosing a VPN for work. You will find the VPN will allow a lot of different users to operate with one license, which will reduce the cost that you incur when trying to download multiple anti-virus or malware software on your network.

5. Protect Many Devices

It is likely that you and your employees are using more than one device to access the internet. Not only are they using company computers, but also on their smartphones when they are on the go. A VPN can help you to protect more than one device at a time.

A paid VPN will provide you the option to do many simultaneous connections. You can protect all of the devices that you need to use to help your business run. This includes options like gaming consoles, smart TVs, tablets, smartphones, and computers.

If you need to keep a lot of devices safe and secure to protect your business, then a good VPN is going to be critical. And once it is set up, you will get all the benefits without even needing to remember to connect to it first.

6. Enabled on the Go

In our modern world, it is possible that many of your employees will not be physically in the office. They may still access the company even when they are not physically present. You can still use a secure encrypted VPN connection to allow employees to connect from any location while keeping the data safe.

Anytime you have employees who will travel for business or who work from home, you can use a VPN to allow these employees to access the business just like they would when on the same network in your office.

This VPN also helps your staff to share files securely. There are settings within the VPN that will allow you to decide which employees are able to see which file so only those who should see the information will have access to it.

Using a VPN

One of the best things that you can do to protect your data and make sure that all of the data on your network is always safe is to use a VPN. It will keep that data hidden and make it hard for a potential hacker to find you. For all the reasons and more, consider getting a VPN for your business.

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