Protecting Your Business in All Aspects

Security cameras
Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

There are many factors that affect one’s chances of making his or her business truly a successful one. No matter how successful a business has become, one case of a data security breach is enough to put it on shaky grounds. A 2017 report from the Hiscox Embezzlement Study revealed that employee theft costs many U.S. businesses around $1.13 million. In addition, workplace crime accounts for $50 billion annual loss, as declared by Statistics Brain.

Furthermore, product theft cost U.S. Businesses $13 billion each year, according to The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention. These facts may seem like nothing to you if you haven’t been victim to any of these security issues. However, these numbers also show that security and safety problems have a great impact on any business. How can you keep your business from being among these reported statistics? You have to protect it in all aspects.

Know your business’s location.

Knowing its address and physical location is certainly not enough. You have to know the crime rate or the level of peace and order of that place. If your business happens to be situated in an area that has a high crime rate, prepare extra security measures. It is important for entrepreneurs to check out this guide on the best security cameras for business. Hire an expert to help you identify both the internal and external security threats that your business could possibly have. Then, be proactive in asking for smart solutions to increase security and safety in your business establishment.

Prevent employee misdeeds.

Employee misdeeds can take many different forms. Whether it’s larceny or just pilferage, if left unabated these could lead to huge profit loss. Dishonest inventory or raw material embezzlement are also often committed by an employee. There are employees who business owners trusted for many years only to find out too late that they’ were responsible for diverting funds into suspicious accounts. This is why security cameras must be included in your business must-haves.

Be protected against a cyber security breach.

If you think your business couldn’t be a target of cyber security crime, think again. A research conducted by Ponemon Institute showed that small-medium sized businesses are the favorite targets of cyber security breaches. Last 2017, more than 60 percent of small-medium sized businesses were victims of this kind of crime. Cyber criminals believe that small businesses have poor if not mediocre security measures in place.

Conduct information dissemination regularly.

Of course, safety and security should not only involve the business owner. Every person involved in the business must be aware of the security measures in place. Proper information dissemination about the signs of security breaches or attacks must be done on a regular basis. Employees must also be informed about how to identify theft. They must be aware as well about determining suspicious acts in the workplace.

These are some of the many helpful tips to protect your business from security and safety-related crimes.

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