Identify & Stop Rogue Employees Posing a Security Threat

Identify and Stop Rogue Employees Posing a Security Threat

There are good as well as bad employees in every organization. Companies often fail to spot the rogue employee. There are different types of rogue employees that we will discuss later. It is a fact that such people are not really good for companies. They cause organizations financial losses and a bad reputation. In this post, we will also talk about how companies can get rid of such staff and protect their company data.

Employees at the workplace have become bitter and rogue because of the latest technology. The new tools and software have helped staff get access to sensitive data. Moreover, companies trust most of their employees but some people turn out to be bad eggs. They get paid, use company resources and at the end do rogue things for the sake of money. They don’t care about sharing the secrets of their companies with competitors. This is an extremely bad thing.

Rogue Employees Can Come in Any Form

Below are some facts about employees, how they misuse the company’s assets and what they do when they are fired.

  • Around 90% of people who leave companies or are fired use at least one password they created when they were employed.
  • 49% of people, after leaving companies, try to use the company credentials and login to a platform. Their purpose is not really good and they can do anything.
  • 45% of employees, after being terminated, use company accounts they were given to steal data and leak sensitive information.
  • 88% of former staff members get access to file-sharing tools and systems for accessing data.

These facts show that a good number of people who are fired from companies use the company’s given credentials, accounts and online apps for their own purposes. Such kinds of employees are called rogue employees. However, the dangerous thing is that many rogue employees still work in companies and the organization can’t pinpoint such people.

The Three Types of Rogue Employees

We have already talked that the rogue employees can come in any form. In order to make things simple for companies, we are presenting the three kinds of rogue employees in business on the basis of their activities they are involved in, what kind of damage they can do to a company and how companies can detect them.

The Innovative Ones

As the name shows, they are creative and innovative. They are liked by the bosses and companies that retain them. But they are very skillful and experts in malicious activities. They are good at technology and know the use of the latest tools and software that can sneak into the company’s secret data and leak the information. Such employees have ways to share important information about companies with other people. They get paid for this and continue to do so until they are caught red-handed.

The Bad Ones

The bad ones are those who are not as good as the innovative ones. These employees are very tricky to deal with. They know how to steal the company’s details and secret information. Though they are not really smart, they know how to get access to such information. They can access such things with the help of fellow colleagues. When employees leave their computers and devices turned on, such people get access to the devices and steal sensitive data.

The Lazy Ones

These people continue to work with companies and share sensitive information as soon as they get a chance. For example, they learned something important about the company in a meeting and they will share such things for the sake of money. They are lazy and can waste a lot of time at work. Companies should deal with such people very carefully in order to spot them and terminate them.

Dealing with Rogue Employees

Now coming to the most important thing: we have some solutions for the companies. Dealing with such employees can be easy if there is a plan and proper implementation of it. With the help and execution of these tools, the companies can protect their reputation and data as well as deal with such employees successfully.

Make New Rules and Policies

The company should have rules that discourage such foul practices. The purpose of the policies should be to keep everyone on board and inform the employees that the rogue activities will not be tolerated. Bosses should supervise the staff and suspicious employees so they can prevent any harmful and damaging activities. Devices and computers that are monitored and tracked should be given by companies.

Use Employee Monitoring Software

The use of employee monitoring apps and software has increased over the years. They have been quite helpful when it comes to dealing with suspicious employees and their malicious activities. A lot of companies are using these tools to track their staff and monitor their activities. With growing workplace theft, hacking and other harmful activities, companies have realised they can prevent such things if they use employee tracking apps.

The Best Employee Monitoring Software

We have tried and tested many employee monitoring apps. They were fine but what impressed us the most was BlurSPY. This employee tracking software is a complete package for companies and organizations worried about rogue employees and who want to protect their business from hacking and malicious activities.

The app is the ultimate monitoring solution to all these problems. It helps companies monitor their staff, keep eyes on their activities and spy on them without their knowledge. The app offers a good number of features and all the essential ones that companies will need to track the staff, monitor their activities and know what they are up to.

With the help of this app, any company can protect its data, company information and secure the business. This app is a solution to bad employees and lets you deal with such people in an effective way. Troublesome employees will be in your control and they can do nothing suspicious when you are watching them privately.

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