Common Cybersecurity Myths

Cyber security
Photo by Dan Nelson from Pexels

There is no denying that cybersecurity is something that we all need to be concerned with today. It seems that every time we look online or turn on the news, there is a story relating to security, be it identity fraud or a breach at a business. It is worrying to say the last, and this is why we need to be proactive in order to make sure that we do not end up being one of the worrying statistics. The challenging thing is that there is a lot of misinformation out there at the moment.

A password is all you need to protect your phone

There is only one place to begin, and this is with mobile security. There is no denying that our mobile phones have become the most popular device for Internet access, and this brings a whole world of security problems. Unfortunately, a lot of people think that so long as they have got a password lock on their phone, they are protected. However, it is not only physical threats that you need to worry about. A good place to start is by downloading a free VPN for your phone, which is something Avira provides.

Apple devices are fully secure

One common myth that floats around is that you do not need to worry about security when using an Apple device because they cannot be breached. This is simply not the truth. Any sort of device, from any brand, can end up being compromised. Apple may have better security, but it’s not foolproof.

It won’t happen to me; I’ve got nothing to steal

We also see a lot of people think that they will not end up suffering from a data breach because they have nothing to steal. However, everyone has something worth stealing. Whether it is your bank information, health records, or any other types of personal information, a hacker will want to use this to sell on the black market. There have also been cases whereby people have been held to ransom because hackers have threatened to share their files and secret data with everyone on the web. When it comes to data breaches and online security incidents, everyone is a target, so you can never be too careful.

I would be able to spot an attack happening

Finally, a lot of people do not worry about the potential of an attack because they believe that they would be able to spot one happening to them. In fact, it can take businesses and individuals months, and even years, to realize that someone has compromised their system.

As you can see, there is a lot of misinformation out there at the moment, and so it is important to be careful and considered when taking in any of the details that you read about cybersecurity. We hope that the information that we have provided above will help you to get a better understanding of what is true and what isn’t when it comes to cybersecurity.

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