5 Essential Questions for Determining Your Business Security Needs


If you’re a retailer, you’re no stranger to how important security is. After all, retailers lose 50 billion dollars every year to theft.

Consumer-facing operations aren’t the only types of businesses that need to take security seriously. Businesses of all shapes and sizes stand to lose a lot if they’re not adequately protecting their inventory, consumers and trade secrets.

How can you know which measures best support your security needs? By asking yourself big questions and coming up with solutions.

We’ve compiled a list of relevant questions to get you on the right track!

1. Is Your Business Consumer-Facing?

As we noted, consumer-facing retailers stand to lose a lot by having lackluster security.

If you have foot traffic going through your business, consider hiring a security guard or putting a robust CCTV system in place like an Alarm.com Access Control infrastructure or similar setup.

Having signage that tells shoppers they’re on camera can also serve as a theft deterrent.

2. Do You Deal in Confidential Data?

eCommerce businesses may store confidential data on private servers. If that’s the case for your organization, you’ll need to make sure you have firewalls in place and are leveraging appropriate levels of encryption.

An IT consultant can fully assess what your security needs are, so consider bringing one on to guide your efforts.

3. Are Employees Involved in Your Operations?

Some businesses are run by sole-proprietors and don’t leverage employee labor. If that’s not the case for your company, you’ll want to put measures in place to secure yourself against the people you hire and empower those people to aid in your security efforts.

Step one to achieving those ends is training your employees on how to spot theft, manage data and do any other things that are important to your security needs. Step two is making employees aware of consequences for skirting your security protocols.

4. What’s Your Plan to Stay Ahead of the Curve?

With security needs constantly changing to match evolving threats, you must know how you’re going to stay on the cutting-edge of keeping your business safe.

A great way to do that is by consulting with security experts on an annual basis. These consults will yield reports outlining the effectiveness of your current security measures and where changes can be made.

5. How Can You Make Security Part of Your Company Culture?

Making security part of company culture is a cornerstone of secure businesses.

To do this, include security information in your employee training materials, reward employees that adhere to measures consistently and always make it known how much security means to your brand by working to improve your workflows.

If you do that, you can ensure everyone that touches your company understands the importance of keeping it safe.

Don’t Wait to Execute on Your Security Needs

Assessing your security needs is one thing. Taking steps to support those needs is another.

Be proactive in installing security measures to protect your business today rather than procrastinating. If you need help along the way, check out more of our content on the subject in our blog!

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