How to Leverage Technology for Real Estate Marketing in 2020

Lovely House
Photo by Luis Yanez from Pexels

The real estate market is changing. We are more frequently seeing real estate investors abandon traditional means of searching for new properties and new leads in favor of online methods and strategies. Armed with technological savviness, they’re able to do intensive research more than ever before and gain a better understanding of the real estate market. If you are a homeowner and are thinking “I need to sell my house fast,” you will want to reach that as soon as possible. That’s where technology can help. More importantly, investors are now able to reach potential sellers and homeowners on an enormous scale, and very efficiently, by leveraging existing technology and available systems.

Traditional newspaper ads, television ads, and radio ads can still be effective to some extent. However, those marketing strategies are typically very expensive compared to the existing, new technologies used in real estate marketing. Additionally, high competition is forcing real estate investors to become more creative in their marketing tactics so that they can still find good deals. It is crucial to leverage disruptive tactics in order to reach prospective sellers.

Here are just a few ways that you can leverage technology for real estate marketing in 2020. Of course, with tech disruption usually comes changes in the regulations and laws around it. It is recommended that you do your own due diligence about the specific regulations in your area when considering any type of marketing. That holds true for non-digital marketing too.

Ringless Voicemail

Sometimes referred to as voicemail drops, ringless voicemails are a meshing of old technology and new technology that allow you to use audio in a powerful way. With ringless voicemail, you can send an audio recording to a large group of people at once. Their phone won’t ring, but your message will end up right in their voicemail inbox, waiting to be listened to.

The benefit of this is that you are engaging with consumers directly without disrupting them in a potentially irritating way. No one likes to be called out of the blue by what they might perceive to be telemarketers. But what makes ringless voicemail powerful is the ability to communicate with consumers on their own terms.

Also, in an industry that relies on trust, using your voice is a great way to build your brand and create a personal connection with prospects. However, make sure you’re not being too pushy in your message. Use this tool to engage and inform, not to go directly for the sale.

Text Message Blast

The same services that offer ringless voicemail might also offer text message blasts. In 2020, texting is a non-invasive means of communication that allows for a two-way conversation. It’s formal when you want it to be, and informal when you don’t. You can also use these messages any way you please, from real estate market news to sending out full listings.

A great benefit of this tool is that there is less friction for receivers of your messages to respond. If they like what they’re reading and want to learn more, all they have to do is simply press reply. Suddenly, you’re engaged in a direct communication with a potential buyer.

However, be sure not to overuse this tool. Consumers tend to become turned off if they receive too many communications in a short amount of time. Be strategic in the way you execute your text message blasts and you’ll be pleased with the results.

Social Media Advertising

Social media users are open to being advertised to. By using a given platform, they sometimes give advertisers the right to use their data to be advertised to. While we commonly think of social media ads as selling shoes and electronics, they can also work wonders for your real estate marketing campaign.

Specifically, on Facebook and Instagram, you can directly target people based on a set of criteria like household income, geography, and age. However, most powerfully, you can target people who have expressed online that they are currently in the market for a new property.

Given the ability to target a very specific group of people based on the nature of your listings, you can ensure that every dollar of your marketing budget is used effectively. It may seem complicated at first, but getting started is as simple as a quick tutorial online.

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