Going for Sold! 9 Essential Tips for New Real Estate Agents

Real estate agent giving house key to couple indoors

Are you working with a client to sell your first home? There are many real estate agents working in the property market.

And yet, only around 10 percent of agents do up to 90 percent of the business. Unfortunately, that means there are a lot of agents whose careers end in failure.

You don’t want to be one of the struggling realtors desperately trying to sell the same property for months without success. You want to be a realtor who sells dozens of homes in a day.

Check out our essential tips for new real estate agents below. Let’s get started!

1. Don’t Pick the First Firm That Offers You a Job

Just got your agent license? You’re probably eager to get a job with a real estate firm, right?

Don’t worry, that’s understandable. But, don’t rush into anything too soon.

You need a real estate firm that reflects your ambitions and values.

For example, you may want to become a specialist in high-end properties or rental apartments. You can achieve this anywhere!

Many new real estate agents decide on a job based on the commission split. But, this isn’t everything either.

Remember, you can usually negotiate a good rate when you get a job offer. Never sell yourself short.

And yet, also look out for other reasons to join a firm. Are there any particularly lucrative training programs? Do they have exceptional resources?

2. Create a Professional Development Plan

You need to create a professional development plan. This includes your goals and how you plan to achieve them.

Maybe you want to sell twenty properties within the first year. You need to think about how you going to achieve this step by step.

You could say you’re going to achieve it by improving your marketing knowledge. Discovering how to take advantage of technology, such as virtual reality experience could be the difference.

3. Promote Yourself Within Your Network

You may be quite shy to blow your own trumpet. But, sometimes you need to big yourself up because nobody else will.

If you already have a network of professional and personal connections, you need to use them to add to your contact list. Ask previous clients for referrals!

When people are looking for a real estate agent, make sure it’s your name that always comes to mind.

Up to one-quarter of Americans have moved home in the past five years. There’s always someone in your network is likely to be moving house.

4. Get Taken Under Someone Else’s Wing

If you want to develop into a successful realtor, you need to find an experienced agent who can take you under his or her wing.

Choose wisely! You need someone who can show the ropes. Learn from the insights of an agent who has learned a lot over many years.

But, it’s also essential that you have a connection with each other. You need to enjoy each other’s company and see eye to eye as well.

Whenever you have a question about the business, you know you have someone to turn to for the answers.

5. Learn to Develop Leads

There are tried and tested methods of lead generation. This includes knocking on people’s doors and cold calling former clients.

However, you can also develop other ways of developing leads from nothing. For example, can you promote your services on social media?

You need to make sure you have active social media accounts across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Is your website outdated? You need to learn SEO skills and video edit knowhow if you want to generate leads to sell more homes.

6. Develop Your Personal Brand

Even if you work for a real estate firm, you also have your personal brand.

Are you known for your friendly and charming manner? Is your brand that you know everything about the market?

You may have a particular connection with young people. Or, perhaps, you have a lot of knowledge of a certain neighborhood.

Promote yourself with a particular message in mind. This way you’ll develop your client base faster.

7. Always Stay Organized

When the real estate agent always shows up late to appointments or never returns phone calls, it isn’t a good sign.

You need to stay organized. It can be overwhelming sometimes when the work comes flooding in. You can feel like you need a break.

But, it definitely helps to stay organized. Don’t let your workload get the best of you by becoming disorderly.

8. Keep Up Your Communication

There is a reason why the best real estate agents appear almost attached to their smartphones. You need to be constantly in touch with clients and leads via message, email and on the phone.

Things move quickly! You need to be able to react to swift changes in the market or sudden offers or rejections for a property. Stay plugged it all the time!

9. Keep Your Knowledge Fresh

The internet allows people to sell and buy a property without the need for a third party. You need to demonstrate your importance to the real estate world.

Why do people hire estate agents? It’s simple!

They know how to sell a property. But, the real estate world is constantly in flux. You can’t afford to be left behind with the latest trends.

Stay abreast of the property market both nationally and locally. There are podcasts, blogs, books and networking events to keep yourself up to date.

You may even need to gain formal qualifications to brush up on your knowledge. Why not ask your employer to provide you with funding to develop your skills and knowledge further?

Tips for New Real Estate Agents

Are you a budding real estate agent?

Becoming the best in the business isn’t easy. But, if you follow these tips for new real estate agents, you can be successful in this fiercely competitive world.

Do you want to discover more business and professional advice? Check out the rest of our website for much more!

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