Five Creative Ways for Realtors to Get More Clients

Realtor and Client
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

If you’re a realtor, you’ve probably heard of the tried-and-true ways to get more clients. You already know the quality of the photos you post online is important, you work those open houses, and you know the power of simply telling friends, family, and acquaintances that you’re in the real estate business, but you’re still not seeing more sales.

All those old-fashioned ways of getting more clients can be effective, but it’s important to try some new things too if you want to increase your client base.

Get More Social Media Followers

You probably already know you can get new clients by having a presence on various social media sites, but do you know exactly what to do? The very essence of a real estate agent social strategy is the fact that you need to find ways to attract more followers.

You can do this by telling the story behind each house, by educating your followers, and by being an expert they can turn to when they have questions. The more consistent, informative, and present you are on social media, the more likely you are to attract followers.

This strategy can help you attract more followers, but by providing quality content on a regular basis, you can also convert those followers into clients. When they are ready to buy a home, your name will be at the front of their mind when they want to schedule a showing or sell their home.

Create Webinars

A webinar is a web-based video conference. It can be used as a meeting space with coworkers, but it’s also a great way to host a class and educate others on real estate. One of the best things about hosting a webinar is the fact that you can record it. That way, potential clients can find your webinar and view it long after it’s over.

In-person events are a great way to connect with clients too, especially if you shy away from the idea of hosting a webinar. Host an in-person seminar or a workshop where you teach attendants something useful, like what to look for when searching for a new home. It’s a great opportunity to share in-depth knowledge with an audience that’s actually interested in the information. Hopefully, a few will contact you after the event for help buying or selling their home.

Use Snail Mail

Snail mail is outdated and old. It can’t possibly be an effective way to market your real estate business—or can it? Direct mail continues to be an effective way to market a wide variety of businesses, which includes real estate.

You can send out flyers if you’re holding an in-person event in the neighborhood and you can mail branded items (like magnets and pens) that will get used, but one of the most creative ways to use direct mail is to mail out a flyer after selling a home in the neighborhood. Alert other homeowners in the area to the sale and tell them you’re standing by when and if they are ever ready to sell their home!

Direct Mail is a proven and effective marketing solution for real estate professionals, including realtors and brokers. According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), direct mail marketing consistently delivers the highest ROI compared to other marketing channels. Therefore, incorporating direct mail into your marketing mix can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Reach Out to Former Clients

A lot of realtors focus on finding new clients. After all, people don’t buy houses all that often. There isn’t a lot of repeat business, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reconnect with past clients!

Whether you send postcards, connect on social media, or keep past clients in the loop with a newsletter, it can be very lucrative to focus your attention on past clients instead of finding brand-new ones. Not only are they more likely to rehire you in the future when they are ready to move, if your name is at the top of their mind, they are more likely to recommend you if a friend, family member, or coworker is moving.

Create Professional Profiles All Around the Web

Having an internet presence is important as a real estate agent. One of the best ways to increase your presence is to create profiles on multiple websites. Some of the best include:

  • Zillow
  • HomeLight
  • Nextdoor
  • UpNest

Of course, creating profiles on multiple social media sites can also be effective. Just make sure you’re active. Otherwise, you aren’t likely to get very much engagement.

Host that open house and make sure everyone in your social circle knows that you’re in the real estate business, but don’t stop there. Get a little creative and you can have fun, learn new things, and find more clients at the same time.

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