Heidi Leist had dreamed of starting a home-based business. After making bath and body items at a friend’s party, an idea caught hold: could this make a profitable business? “I couldn’t sleep that night because I knew there was something very special about the experience that had transpired,” she said. “The home spa environment…was incredibly appealing.”
Leist learned how to make natural and organic skin care products from local artisans. She formulated the product line herself at home in her kitchen, asking friends to try the items. In 2003, she founded Lemongrass Spa Products, a direct selling company specializing in natural and organic skin care, mineral makeup and baby care products.
Customers loved the home parties where they could enjoy a “girls’ night” and try—and purchase—new skin-care and beauty products. The quality of the ingredients has been a major motivator for the business and a huge selling point.
“Educating guests at my spa parties became my passion after discovering that there were dozens of toxic chemicals contained in many lotions, cosmetics and shampoos,” Leist said. “During my pregnancy, I was especially perceptive of exactly what I was putting on my body as well as what I was consuming.”
Leist’s degree in Business Administration and Economics and a few post-college jobs provided the background that helped her found the business, but hanging out her own shingle truly educated her.
While one woman alone can move quite a bit of product, empowering others to represent her business through direct selling home parties helped her business explode. Leist has enjoyed helping the 3,000 people who have become consultants gain the same flexibility and financial freedom she has enjoyed. “We are able to offer women and men the opportunity to improve their lives through financial security, friendships and community service, while not sacrificing time with their families,” Leist said.
Word-of-mouth advertising and social media have primarily helped promote the business to its core demographic: women in their late twenties and older. But male consultants in their thirties and forties have begun to join in recent years.
“I don’t have to sacrifice quality bonding time with my family to help support them,” Leist said. For more information, visit www.LemongrassSpa.com.